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Chapter 35

Four months later

Shortly after five p.m., Alex stuffed some files into her tote, slid her phone into its side pocket and stood up. Flicked off the lights in her office, then stuck her head in Sierra’s office. “I’m taking off,” she said. She patted her tote. “Have some files to look over for the trial next week.”

Sierra smiled at her. “Gideon’s been good for you. I love that you leave at five every evening. Or close to it.”

“You’re not doing too bad with the work-life balance thing yourself,” Alex said with a smile of her own. She looked over her shoulder, where Cody Parker was sprawled at a desk in front of Sierra’s office, typing on his computer. “And I’m really happy about that.”

“Yeah, look at us,” Sierra said, looking past her to Cody. Her gaze lingered on the dark-haired man, and she smiled. “I guess we both have Jerry to thank for the positive changes in our lives.”

“And who would’ve expected that?” Alex shook her head. Smiled at her partner. “Have a good evening, Sierra.”

“You, too, Alex,” her partner replied.

“Oh, I will,” Alex said with a secretive smile.

Sierra wadded up a piece of paper and threw it at her. “Get out of here, you lovesick fool.”

“Takes one to know one,” Alex replied with a grin. “Later.” She waved her hand as she headed for the door.

She felt the paralegal’s gazes on her, and she understood why. Before she’d disappeared, she was usually the last one out of the office in the evening, and the first one back in the morning.

Not anymore. She had better things to do than work every waking hour.

She still loved her job. Still loved to work a jury at a trial. But they were no longer the most important parts of her life. Loving Gideon, spending time with him, was far more important.

Gideon would probably be re-hired at the FBI. And when he did, they’d most likely have a commuter relationship. The chances of him being assigned to the Chicago office were small.

The thought brought a pang of regret, but she buried it deep. She knew how important the FBI job was to Gideon.

When she was spending her weeknights alone, she’d probably work later. But not now. And especially not today. Gideon had been in Washington to interview with the FBI, and he was coming home this evening. He’d only been gone for three days, but it felt like three weeks. She couldn’t wait to see him.

She drove her Lexus SUV to the townhouse she and Gideon were renting and pulled into the garage. She’d closed on the sale of her former house last week and was relieved to be rid of that burden. There were too many bad memories in that house. She and Gideon would start over with a place they could make their own. A place with no negative vibes.

As soon as she was inside, she dumped her tote in her office and checked her phone. Gideon’s flight had arrived an hour ago. He’d texted her from his Lyft ride with his ETA. Alex smiled as she saw the time on her phone. He’d be here in a few minutes.

She ran upstairs and shed her work clothes. Threw on a long-sleeved tee and grinned as she pulled on a pair of yoga pants. These clothes were a lot quicker to remove than her business suit.

As she hung her suit in the closet, she heard the garage door opening. Flying down the stairs, she threw open the door into the garage. Grinned as Gideon ran over to her. Wrapped his arms around her and devoured her mouth with a kiss.

“God, I missed you,” he murmured into her ear.

“I missed you just as much,” she breathed into his neck, reaching around him and squeezing his ass. “My bed was a very lonely place.”

“Tell me about it,” he groaned.

She disentangled herself from him and drew him into the kitchen. Grabbed his briefcase and tossed it on a chair, then wrapped her fingers around his. “Tell me!” she demanded. “How did it go? Are you a G-man again?”

He pulled her in for another kiss. Sighed. “Let’s sit down.”

Her heart sank. “That doesn’t sound good.” Gideon’s goal had been to get his FBI job back. Getting that job offer would be vindication. A chance to do the job he loved.

Grasping her hand, he drew her into the living room. Pulled her down onto the couch beside him. Then, still holding her hand, he turned to face her.

“They offered me a job,” he began. “Promoted me from Special Agent to Supervisory Special Agent. Because of the intel from Jerry’s files, they’ve identified three more Bratva moles in the bureau, and think there are a couple more.”

“Gideon, that’s wonderful,” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging tightly. “Congratulations.” She eased away and studied him, wondering why he didn’t look happier. “Any idea which office you’ll be assigned to?”
