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Chapter 11

What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over? Doughnuts. ~ Text from Suzie to Hailey

My fingers drum against my desk the next morning as I wait for Aiden to show up. He wants to go over all my cases to see if there’s anyone who could possibly want to target me. Total waste of time if you ask me. And I’m not excited to see the object of my teenaged fantasies again. My heart isn’t beating fast and my skin is not tingling in anticipation. Really.

The door to my office bursts open and in strolls Suzie carrying a box of donuts.

“Your love of donuts is starting to border on obsession,” I say as I stand to grab a cinnamon twist. Note – cinnamon twists aren’t donuts and thus not subject to obsession.

“Food high in calories and fat are bad for your complexion,” Phoebe adds as she walks into my office.

“It speaks!” Suzie shouts and then does a little dance.

Phoebe looks at me. “Should we call an ambulance? Is she having a fit of some kind?”

I bark out a laugh. The fashion ice queen might be fun to have around after all.

Suzie glares at Phoebe. “For that, you’re joining us tonight for a girls’ night out.”

Phoebe stares down at Suzie who stares right back at her. My best friend may be small in stature, but she makes up for it with bucketloads of attitude. “Nuh-uh. You are not getting out of this. Glare at me all you want. I’m rubber, you’re glue. Your stares bounce off of me and sticks to you.”

“I don’t think that’s how the saying goes.”

Suzie pauses her stare down with Phoebe to toss me a glare and then goes right back to her stare-down. “You are coming with us to the bar and you are having a good time. End of.”

Phoebe opens her mouth to respond, but Suzie flips up her hand. “Uh oh. It’s been decided.”

“Knock knock,” Aiden hollers as he walks into the office.

Suzie grabs the donuts and flips around to offer one to Aiden. Her feet somehow get tangled and she stumbles. Phoebe grabs hold of her upper arm to stop her from hitting the ground.

“Do I get hazard pay for working here?” Phoebe asks as she rights Suzie.

“I would have been fine on my own,” Suzie lies.

Phoebe nods. “Sure.”

I watch as Aiden looks Phoebe up and down. My stomach churns. Of course, he’s checking her out. The woman is absolutely, positively gorgeous. She’s dressed in another wraparound dress showcasing all her assets. With high heels on her feet, she’s the same height as him. Her cheeks flush as she greets him. “Detective.”

“Aiden, please. Call me Aiden.” He stretches out a hand to shake hers.

The churning in my stomach increases until it feels like someone threw my stomach in the spin cycle of a washing machine. I place a hand on my belly as I order it to calm the eff down. I will not act like a jealous cow. I do not want Aiden. I don’t. I just have to keep reminding myself of the fact.

I swallow the lump stuck in my throat and force myself to introduce them, “Detective Barnes, this is our new employee, Phoebe Adams.”

“Hi Aiden!” Suzie shouts and breaks whatever spell was being woven between Phoebe and Aiden. I don’t sigh in relief when Phoebe takes a step away from him toward the door. Nope. I had a little breathing issue of some kind. It was not a sigh. Seriously.

“Donut?” Suzie sticks the box under Aiden’s nose as she winks at me. I got your back she mouths.

Aiden takes a chocolate crème and nods his thanks to her.

Phoebe grabs Suzie’s arm and pushes her out the door. “Let us know if you need anything,” she says as she shuts the door.

“Hey!” I can hear Suzie’s shout from the other side of the door. “It’s my job to take care of her needs.”

I feel my face heat at the innuendo of Suzie’s words. “Anyway.” I clear my throat. “How can I help you today?” As if I don’t know perfectly well why he’s here.

Aiden takes a seat at the chair across from my desk. “I think we should go through your cases. See if there’s anyone who has a reason to target you.”
