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My eyes widen. How dare he? “Crawled up my ass? You really want to go there?”

“Yeah, I do.” He places his hands on my desk and glares at me. “I was worried about you. You have a stalker, and I couldn’t reach you. But is there anything wrong? No. You’re sitting at your desk being pissed about nothing.”

“Pissed about nothing?” I place my hands on my desk and lean forward until I can growl into his face. “You cheating on me is not nothing.” Although technically, we never discussed being exclusive. But in my life once you have sex – and oral sex totally counts – you’re exclusive. End of.

“I didn’t cheat on you.”

I snort. “Lie.”

“When did I cheat on you? I saw you a few nights ago and since then I’ve been working my ass off.”

“Oh yeah, ‘working’. Like you were working last night.”

He looks away and swears under his breath. There’s all the confirmation I need.

“Get out. Whatever this is…” I wave a finger back and forth between the two of us, “… is over.”

“Honey, please let me explain.”

“Oh, like you explained last night when I sent you a text and you lied to my fucking face?”

He gulps. “You were there?”

“The Grand Hotel. Where all the cheaters come to cheat.”

“It’s not what you think.”

Snort. Like I haven’t heard that one a million times before. “Yeah, right. And you couldn’t look me in the eye when I called you out about working last night because the sun was in your face.” Spoiler alert – It’s raining today.

“I admit it. I lied.” Before I get a chance to yell a-ha, he continues, “I wasn’t working last night, but I didn’t cheat on you. I would never cheat on you.”

“Then who were you seeing last night?”

“My ex-girlfriend.” His ex-girlfriend? Yeah, right. The woman he was with last night was not an ex anything.

“If you were just seeing your ex, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to make a big deal out of it.”

Suzie snorts. “How’s that working out for you, pal?”

Shit. I didn’t realize Suzie was watching this entire confrontation play out. I point a finger at her. “Get out!”

When she doesn’t move quick enough, I rush her, push her through the door, and slam it in her face. It won’t stop her from eavesdropping – nothing will – but at least she will no longer be an active participant in my humiliation.

“Why were you meeting your ex last night?” I hold up a hand to stop him from answering. “Don’t answer. Let me guess. She wanted to talk about getting back together.”

“No. Actually, she’s having problems with her husband and she wanted my advice.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. He can’t be this stupid, can he? I wait for him to start squirming, but he doesn’t. Guess he is this stupid. “You seriously believe she wanted to talk about her problems with her husband with you, her ex?”

“Yeah. I have no interest in her.”

“Dude. I saw you last night. I saw her giggle and do the hair toss.” He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind, so I demonstrate by tossing my hair over my shoulder while batting my eyelashes at him. “And she touched you every chance she got.”

He shrugs. “She’s an affectionate woman.”

He needs to buy a clue. “Let me put it to you this way. How would you feel about me going out with my ex-boyfriend?” I wouldn’t. My ex-boyfriends are exes for a reason, but this is a teaching moment.
