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Today Ryan was a bigger problem, and I was going to find out what he was up to last night.

“He isn’t the dark king,” I declared.

Seb arched an eyebrow. “That sounds very adamant,” he said.

“No, I’m saying he isn’t the dark king, because I don’t have the same vibe around him, at least of what I remember him having,” I said.

“Yeah, you have the vibe more than Ryan does,” Seb said, and smirked.

“Fuck no, I think my little girl has proved only light comes from me.”

Seb looked pissed. Then he would be. I was rubbing his nose in it a little.

He picked up his coffee and strolled out of the kitchen. “I’m going to see the two shining lights in the house,” he said with a grin and wiped all pissed off notions away.

“Yeah and once I’ve made this, I’m going to have a word with Ryan,” I said and shoved bananas and mango in the blender with a dollop of yoghurt and some milk. Making enough for a few glasses of fruit smoothie for my girl to drink while Aria was drinking her own breakfast.

After making the large smoothie for Lacey, I strolled into the bedroom. Lacey was breastfeeding Aria and Seb sat chatting to her with his arm around her shoulder and watching her feed. The expression on Seb’s face was one of admiration.

And it was finally working as I looked at the three of us together, four if I included Aria. It worked.

We worked.

I had no jealousy over Seb any longer, and he seemed to have none with me. Yeah, we ribbed each other over stupid things. But it was working, we were becoming a little family.

And I loved it.

That’s why we were going to fight the dark king. Lacey was stronger again today, and the three of us were, too. Even Carter told Clay he would fight. Then, the moment we killed the dark king, Carter was going to be freed of his bind. Lacey wanted to free him now. She knew she had to do it now. She didn’t want him tied to her when he could find someone else to love.

She never said as much, but I expected she never felt the same love she did with Carter as she did with Seb and me, and I forgot to ask if Ryan’s eyes had proved he was a fated mate or a bound knight.

Hopefully, now Ryan had bound, he would be more in tune with us, but binding seemed to change things, binding brought us all together. “I’m going to check on Ryan,” I said.

“He is in his own room,” she said.

“He didn’t want to spend the night with you after binding,” I said, my eyes locked with Seb for a moment. Then I looked back to Lacey. She glanced through her eyelashes at me and shook her head.

“I think he was in a mood with me for hitting him. Tell him I’ll see him after I’ve changed Aria.”

“Can I have hold of her now she’s fed?” Seb asked as I strolled away.

“I should be jealous,” Lacey said, handing Aria to Seb and pushing her top over her body.

Seb kissed Lacey on the lips. “You have nothing to worry about,” he said. “But this little one...”

I smiled as I walked away and strode up the staircase because Seb was right. Lacey had nothing to worry about with us, but knowing Ryan hurt Lacey when he bound to her and if I found out it wasn’t an accident, he would need to come up with some good excuse. Because there were bruises forming on her hips with some scratch marks and biting her... who the fuck was he?

I knocked on the door and pushed it open.

Ryan was still asleep on the bed.

I glanced at my watch. 10.35am. The bind took it out of me, but that would be over twelve hours of sleeping. I recovered after a few hours.

And yes, Clay preferred an overnight sleep to recover from the effects.

I strode to the bed. Ryan laid on his belly, his arms outstretched, and with his face to one side, the pillow was above him.

I tapped his back. “Ryan,” I said. “Ryan... wake up. I want to talk to you.”
