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“All looks well,” he said.

Typically, the nannies did this. He did not...hold her.

She was tiny and frail and he...

He broke things that were fragile.

“Good,” she said.

She slid into the limo, and looked around, her eyes wide.

“We will be going to one of my favorite restaurants.”

“Did we do this a lot?”

“Sometimes. I often like to keep you at home to myself.”

The innocence in her expression nearly undid him.

It reminded him of when they had first met. By the end of everything, she had learned what he liked.

She had become accomplished at pleasing him, and any embarrassment she seemed to have about things of a sexual nature had vanished.

It was fascinating to see a return to who she had been before.


He chuckled. He did not know if this was the time to bring up the physical connection between the two of them.

What he wanted was to build the scaffolding for something that would be strong.

He had the chance to change the truth. And why wouldn’t he?

Why wouldn’t he?

“I like to have you to myself,” he said. “Then when my desire for you overtook everything else... There were no barriers.”

It had been a calculated risk, but it had been the right one. Because whatever she remembered or didn’t, this remained between them. This fire, this heat. It was why they were in the situation in the first place. The unrelenting chemistry between the two of them transcended everything that Krav had ever known.

He was a man who had known many women.

He was expert in pleasing them and walking away having felt nothing but release.

What had burned between them had always been something undeniable, something else entirely. And he had told himself for a long time it was because of when they met. Because he had been diminished since his mother’s death.

But now it felt like perhaps that was far too simple a truth.

Now it felt like perhaps there was more. Like there had to be.

She seemed pleased by that.

“I just wish that I could remember...”

“Perhaps it is not a matter of remembering. Only discovering.”

He remembered. He remembered everything perfectly. Up until the bitter end when it had all exploded.

When you destroyed it.
