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“I am,” I say with a smile. “Are you a little girl?”

She shakes her head. “Charity is. I guess I’m kind of obsessed about becoming one and… Well, then I walk out of the shower and there’s a half-dressed Daddy in the living room.”

I chuckle and say, “You think that’s shocking? I stand in the living room and a completely undressed little girl walks in.”

She blushes and I realize it’s not about what happened. “You like when I call you a little girl, don’t you?”

She nods and I say, “Use your words, little girl.” I don’t say it sternly at all but it’s a command, not a request, and she breathes in quickly and lets her breath out in a sigh.

“Yes,” she says. “I like it.”

“Well,” I say, “I don’t know if I can be your Daddy. We just… well, we just jumped a hundred steps ahead. I mean, you’d be a wonderful little girl. You’re beautiful. You’re… Well, God, you’re amazing in the physical department.” She giggles. “But we don’t know anything about each other. If you want to learn more about DDlg, I’ll be happy to talk to you about it from the Daddy’s point of view.”

“I do!” she says enthusiastically. She blushes and says in a more normal tone, “I mean if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, little girl,” I say. “I offered. So tell me what you want to know.”

“Well… everything,” she says. “I mean, I know that Daddies take care of little girls and little girls have to listen to their Daddies, but beyond that, I don’t really know anything.”

“Well, we’ll start there. Yes, Daddies take care of their little girls, but it’s a little more involved than that. We comfort our little girls and make sure they’re safe and stuff like that, but we also care for them by helping them grow.”

“How do you do that?” she asks.

She leans forward and I’m happy to see her so interested in that aspect of the relationship. That part is my favorite. “Well, Daddies help their girls achieve their goals by creating rules and guidelines for their little girls to follow. They also agree on punishments for the times the little girl fails to follow those rules.”

“Wait, they agree on punishments?” she asks. “Like, the little girl actually tells the Daddy how to punish her?”

“They come to a mutual agreement,” I reply. “In fact, most of the decisions in the relationship are made together.”

“Oh,” she says. “I thought that the Daddy just tells the little girl what to do and she does whatever he says.”

“That’s a common misconception,” I reply, “but DDlg relationships are a lot more collaborative than people realize. Yes, the Daddy is the dominant partner, but it’s the little girl who decides how much power her Daddy has.”

“Wow,” she says. “I never realized that.”

“A lot of people don’t,” I say. “From the outside, if you don’t pay attention, it might just look like the Daddy is just bossing the little girl around, but that’s not the truth.”

“That makes sense,” she says. “I can’t see Charity doing well in a one-sided relationship.”

“Cliff wouldn’t do well either,” I say. “And any Daddy worth his salt would never ask for that kind of a relationship.”

“So what does it take to be a little girl?” she asks.

“Well, that differs for everyone,” I say.

I tell her how some little girls are littles all the time while others are only littles at home and some others are only little in certain situations. When I tell her about little space, she is very interested and asks how to get into little space.

“That’s different for everyone too,” I say. “Some little girls watch kids’ movies, some little girls play with stuffed animals, some of the color and some do things like wear diapers or use pacifiers.”

“Really?” she asks. “Do theyusethe diapers?”

I chuckle. “Well, I’m sure some of them do but not all of them. For most little girls who use diapers, it’s more about feeling safe and protected than actually pretending to be a baby.”

“That makes sense,” she says.

“So you tell me,” I ask. “How does that sound to you?”

She considers a moment, then says, “I think I would like to watch a kids’ movie,” she says.
