Page 51 of There Is No Love

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“I thought we were going tomorrow.”

“Change of plans. Get ready, we leave in an hour.”

She stood up, slamming a bottle onto the top of her vanity. “You are not in charge of me. I am not some woman you can just order around.”

I walked over, cupping her face, and stared into her beautiful green eyes. “I know you're not. I am not demanding anything from you. And I will never, ever demand anything from you, understood?” She nodded. “I just really think you need to get out of this house, and we need to see what Arturo has found out. Doesn't a few days away sound good? We can pretend it’s our honeymoon.” I smiled at her

She looked up at me, her eyes blinking, confused. “Uh, yeah sure.”

I leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Good. Pack a bag. Gabriele is away on business, so we don't even have to deal with him before we leave.”

She walked into the closet and started packing a bag. “I don't even know what to pack. What type of outfits should I take? I’ve never really gone anywhere.”

“What? You’ve never left Alberoville?”

“Well, I,” She looked at me, and hesitated “uh no, not really.”

I laughed. “Well, you will love Bellissindale. It was named that because of its beauty. The mountains, the rivers, and the forest.”

“It sounds beautiful. What should I pack?”

“Uh, maybe five normal outfits and a dress. I know mom will want to go out at least one night we are there.”

“Should I go ask Marco to get the jet ready?”

“No, Arturo has got one ready for us.”

She nodded and turned back, packing her bags.

An hour later we were at the airport getting seated as they loaded our bags and got ready for take-off.

She sat by the window, and I took the seat next to her. The pilot came in and checked on us, before going to the cockpit and taking off.

It was a 3-hour flight, so we settled in with drinks and snacks. She put on a movie, 10 Things I Hate About You. She settled into her seat, legs up and a blanket wrapped around her. I did some work on my phone watching her out of the corner of my eyes as she laughed. She had such an infectious laugh, even though I wasn't watching the movie I couldn't help but laugh when she did. She seemed more relaxed than I had ever seen her before.

We were getting close to Bellissindale, and she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. It was starting to go numb, but I couldn't bring myself to move her.

“We are making our final approach to Bellissindale, we will be on the ground in twenty.” The pilot came over the loudspeaker.

She stirred and looked at me. “Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you.”

I smiled at her. “It’s okay.”

She leaned over and looked out the window. “Wow, it is beautiful.”

I leaned behind her, looking over the forest, the waterfall visible from Mt. Black. “Yeah, it is.”

We landed and walked out. Arturo was leaning against his car; he looked up as we walked down the stairs. I pulled him into a hug, surprised to see him. “You came to pick us up yourself?”

“Yeah,” he looked at Alora and gave her a nod, “I figured my sister-in-law’s first trip to our home should be special.”

She looked at me and then at him, an unsure look on her face. “Well thank you.”

He nodded. “We better get going, mom is going crazy. You would think it had been months since she had seen you.”

We loaded into the car, I sat in the back with Alora. “You could have sat up front, you didn't have to sit back here. Even if we are faking it, that wouldn't have been a giveaway.” She whispered to me.

“You don't have to whisper around Arturo, he knows everything. He and I have no secrets.”
