Page 73 of There Is No Love

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“Alright everyone calm down,” I interrupted, “Alora we are not involved like you think we are. Let’s go to the apartment.”

Arturo shook his head and looked at me eyes wide. “What the hell Luka?”

“We can trust her,” I assured him.

He shook his head and put the car in drive. “I hope you're right; I’d hate to have to kill my brand-new sister-in-law.” He pulled off.

We pulled up to the building, waving at the guards as they opened the gate and let us in. Arturo pulled around back, parking.

“What is this place?” Alora asked.

“It’s our building, we like to have a place where we know Stefano has no spies. We’ve had it for a few years now,” I jumped out of the SUV, opening her door.

She shook her head and pushed past me. We followed Arturo inside to the elevator and rode up in silence. Alora looked pissed. Her arms crossed to her chest, her eyes glaring.

The elevator door opened into the living room, and we walked in. Arturo took his jacket off and threw it over the chair before sitting down in it.

“Ok, we are here, explain,” Alora stood staring between the two of us.

“Come sit down and relax,” I said.

She shook her head, “I’d rather stand.”

Arturo sighed, sitting forward, “This isn’t a good idea.”

“What is your problem?” Alora asked him, “You have been at least cordial to me up until this point but now you’re being a complete asshole.”

“I don't trust you,” Arturo said, “I need a drink.” He stood up and walked to the kitchen pouring whiskey into a glass of ice. “We have too much at stake, and you could ruin it all,” he took a sip and sat back down in the chair.

Alora sighed, “Alright look, I just want to make sure you are not involved in the trafficking. I have things at stake here too, you know?”

“What do you have at stake?” Arturo replied.

“I don’t trust you guys either,” she snapped at him.

“Will you two chill out please?” I shook my head. “Alora we are not involved in any selling of girls or women.”

She looked at me for a minute, then turned and looked at Arturo. He shook his head back and forth, holding his glass up in the air, “happy now?”

She sighed and sat down on the couch next to me. “Well, then what was that with that guy?”

“We use him to get information, and he sometimes helps us get in unnoticed.”

“To do what?” she asked.

I looked at Arturo, he shook his head. “We can trust her.”

“You don’t know that” Arturo pointed at me, “we barely know her.”

“I trust her.”

“It’s not yours to give Luka,” Arturo stood up, “she was my responsibility! I don’t trust her with this.”

“And you think this shit hasn't been eating at me for the last eight years! I loved Charlie too, I had to sit there and watch too!”

He sighed, “tell her.” He stood up and walked over to us, looking down at Alora, “but I swear, if you mess this up for us, I will kill you myself.” He took a deep breath and sat back down.

Alora looked at him for a moment, then at me. “Who is Charlie?”
