Page 74 of There Is No Love

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“She was Arturo’s girlfriend. He was dating her secretly. Stefano told us to sleep with whoever we wanted, but never get serious with girls outside our world. That they couldn't handle it. Stefano found out about Charlie, and he took her.”

Alora’s eyes grew wide, “did he kill her?”

“No,” Arturo sat forward, setting his drink on the coffee table, resting his elbows on his knees, “he brought Luka and me to one of his clubs. Lead us down to the basement into this little room and told us it was time to grow up, and be part of his business. Men started piling in, taking the other seats. Then the curtain opened to a small room behind a huge glass window. And one by one they brought in teenage girl after teenage girl, and the men around us bid on them. Until finally, they brought out the last girl, it was Charlie.”

Alora’s eyes grew wide, her eyes glossed over.

I looked at Arturo, that dead look he got whenever he talked about Charlie was back in his eyes. He shook his head, “and for the last eight years we have been trying to find her.”

Alora looked at me, and I nodded. She shook her head and stood up walking over to Arturo. He looked up at her, his jaw tense, his hands fisted. She bent down and wrapped her arms around his neck, “I’m sorry.”

Arturo’s eyes grew wide, he looked at me in shock. I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head.

His head shook side to side quickly, like he had just come out of a trance. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. “Thank you, but you hugging me is kind of freaking me out.”

“Sorry,” she pulled away, “I just know what you’re going through, Well kind of. You can trust me.”

“How? I want to, but Gabriele is as involved as Stefano, how can we trust you?” Arturo looked up at her.

She walked over sitting back down next to me. “Because of what I am going to tell you.”

Arturo’s phone rang. He pulled it out, “hang on, I need to take this.” He stood up and walked into the kitchen. We listened to one side of the conversation. He walked back over. “Yeah ok,” he slammed his phone down on the counter. “This Wrath guy is screwing everything up.”

“What’s going on?” I asked.

He sighed and sat back down, “everyone's scared. They are moving everything. I am going to kill Wrath when we find him.”

“It will be alright; we will find her.”

He nodded, “Alright why should we trust you?”

She looked at me, then Arturo. “Uh,” she shook her head and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes.

I put my hand on her knee. “You can tell us.”

She sighed, “I had a nanny, Elena. She got a little too close to me, or maybe I got a little too close to her. I was late to school one day because I was playing with my dog Max. My dad was so mad he killed Max,” her eyes filled with tears, “he shot him in front of me.” I watched as her hands shook slightly. “Elena comforted me, but the next morning she was gone. I never saw her again, until one day, there she was walking down the street. I couldn't catch up to her. I saw her go into a building, so I followed her in, trying to find her but couldn’t. By the time I realized I had walked into a brothel, it was too late, I.” She closed her eyes, and shook her head, clenching her shaking hands, “anyways, some of my dad's men found me and took me home. I have been trying to find her ever since.” She looked at Arturo, “you can trust me because I want the same thing you do. To get someone I love out.”

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