Page 75 of There Is No Love

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IpulledVoralieinto a hug, “thank you for everything. I am going to miss you.”

She pulled me in tight, “I am going to miss you too sweet girl. You guys come back soon.”

“Ok, we will.”

Voralie pulled Luka into a hug. “I love you.”

“Love you, mom. I will call you tomorrow.” Luka replied.

Arturo walked up, the two of them hugging. “Stay safe, I will call you if I get any new information.”

Luka nodded. “We will too.”

Arturo pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back, “so is this going to be a regular thing now?’

“You started it. Keep an eye on my brother huh?”

I pulled away shaking my head, “I make no promises.”

Luka and I loaded into the car. I turned to look out the back window at Arturo and Voralie standing there. Voralie waved to us as we pulled away. I suddenly had this sad feeling wash over me. I could feel myself getting attached. Me getting attached to them put them in danger, I had to keep my heart in check. I couldn't put them in harm's way. I was putting a target on their backs.

Luka tried to talk to me on the trip home, but I was so distracted I gave him very little in return. We made our way up to the bedroom. I walked over to the bench in front of the bed, set down my bag, and sat on the edge, my mind racing.

“You good?”

I took a deep breath, looking up at him. “Fine. Just a lot on my mind.”

He sat down beside me, his hand on my knee, “want to talk about it?”

I turned, looking into his eyes. Those dark brown eyes seemed to really see me, as no one else had before. I wanted to tell him everything I was feeling, everything I was thinking. Spill all my secrets, let him in, but I knew I couldn't. That would only make things worse for him, worse for me. I just had to figure out how to get through this, figure out a way to give Vigo what he wanted. Then he could go on and live his life, and I could go on living mine. My goal was to find Elena and take my father out before he could do any more damage. I closed my eyes and took a breath, breaking myself from his gaze. “No, I told you,”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t get attached,” he sighed; stood up and walked to the closet, taking his bag with him. I watched the closet door for a moment, fighting the urge to chase after him. Part of me wanted to pick a fight with him and see what it would lead to. He walked to the door, undoing the buttons on his left sleeve. “Are you going to tell me who he is?”


“This guy you need for whatever reason.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up, “no, it’s none of your business.” I pushed past him walking into the closet.

“It is my business, I’m your husband.”

“For now,” I turned around spitting the words at him, “but not for long.”

He tore his shirt off his shoulders, throwing it in the laundry basket. He quickly took his pants off and grabbed jeans and a t-shirt. He slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and walked out of the closet.

“Where are you going?”

“Out,” he spat, walking out the bedroom door.

I chased after him, down the stairs. “Out where?” I called after him as I got to the bottom step.

He turned to me, hand on the doorknob, “what the hell do you care?” He looked behind me, “with Nick, he said he would show me the street fighting scene here.”

I turned and looked at Nick, “you’re taking him street fighting?” The two of them exchanged a glance.
