Page 64 of Diesel

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“Then don’t, but don’t drag her down with you because your father once again interfered in your life. Either own what he does, or walk the fuck away.”

Maybe he is right, I could lose my fight to Sax, and let him have her and my father’s affection because deep down, that’s all I have ever wanted from him. I have my trust from my grandparents on my mother’s side and it's more than enough to pay my way through university and buy a small house. But he has made it clear that if I walk away from him, I walk away from my mother, and that is the damn bargaining chip he holds over my head.

Cuyler eases off me when I stop fighting him back. “Come on, I will make you breakfast to help soak up some of that alcohol.”

He offers me his hand, and I slap it away, pushing myself up to my feet. He shrugs and walks out of the room. I follow behind because what else am I going to do, continue to drink myself into a stupor and warrant a visit from the old man when he gets back? No thanks, it’s best I keep this to myself for now until I can find out what his motives are. The thing with my father is, it could be anything. He is a sick and selfish man. I remember the day I lost my virginity, it was my first week here. I was over the fucking moon when I cockily walked up to the head Alpha’s girl and slipped her my number. I never expected her to call, I thought for sure she would just laugh it off, but I was Diesel Briar, my father runs the Alphas, just like his father before him. This is my legacy. Not even twenty-four hours later, she showed up at my room in a trench coat in the middle of summer. I should have known she had nothing underneath, but I was barely a teenager. The closest thing to a real set of tits I had even seen was from the dirty magazines Rebel had found in his father’s collection. I swear we all took turns at pulling our pre-pubescent cocks over Miss December with her damn Santa hat.

The head Alpha’s girl's name was Misty, and when I opened the door, she walked in and dropped her coat. I’m fairly certain she was in and out within five minutes. The second I was in, I came, and it was over. She never looked at me again after that, and she and Dustin are now married, have a kid, and live the perfect life. My father made a huge deal about rubbing it in my face that he sent her and has the power to control everyone. God knows what dirt he had on her to make her sleep with me, and honestly, it’s not the worst thing he has ever done to me.

All shit I don’t wish to rehash, I want him to feel as worthless as he has made me feel. All I need is one spec of dirt on him, but a man like Malcolm Briar doesn’t leave a trail of crumbs for anyone to find. I just hope that one day he makes a human error, and I’m there to catch it and exploit him, to make him feel like the countless people he has used over the years.

Cuyler is already pulling shit out of the perfectly stacked fridge, a pang of hurt washes over me, wishing Cyrus had woken up beside me, that I had it in me to listen to what she had to say and believe her.

The smell of bacon draws out the triplets. Wilder doesn’t pop up, but if he has Luna in his room, he is playing it smart.

“Please, someone tell me we are doing something fun today,” Rebel complains. “I had to carry Diesel’s sorry ass back here last night, and I didn’t get lucky. I have blue balls, I tell you.”

I don’t even have the energy to tell him to fuck off, I never asked him to bring me back here. I’m pretty sure I told him to leave me alone and let me keep drinking the last of the bottle.

The lift doors open, and I look over to see if Cyrus has come back, but instead it's Lux with a massive scowl on her face and Sax with a massive grin. “Touch me again, jerk off, and I will cut off your nuts and feed them to you,” she sneers.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he jokes. “Damn, did someone die, why is it so dark and depressing in here?”

“Fuck off, Sax,” Ryot snaps. “You’re not wanted here.”

“I don’t know, you might if you knew what I do,” he says with a little too much enthusiasm.

He keeps coming towards us until he slides his phone down on the bench. I snatch it to get a closer look, and it’s Cyrus, looking up at my fucking uncle with a smile on her face and dressed in one of his shirts, out the front of my father’s pool house. “I guess he doesn’t mind your sloppy seconds after all.”

What the fuck is she playing at? She can’t have one Briar, so she just moves onto the next? I stand abruptly, and Lux throws herself in front of me. I see the triplets move in closer.

Lux places her hands on my chest. “Don’t do anything stupid. Wait her out, she has to come back here eventually.”

“I don’t plan to, we have a training session with Emory in about an hour,” I smirk.

“Oh come on, the rumours are true, you have gone soft,” Sax taunts, but I ignore him and save my energy to deal with my uncle.

“Fuck this, you’re all pussies.” Sax declares and leaves.

“Don’t believe what you see in a photograph, she gave you the benefit of the doubt with Kelby,” Cuyler says.


Waiting Cyrus out was good in theory. It turns out she is swifty. While I was at training, she snuck in and packed a bag, her newly framed picture of Zeke is gone off her bedside table. I wanted nothing more than to cave my uncle's face in at training yesterday. He knew it and partnered up with me. He tried to tell me nothing happened; I argued that he hated me, and it was a good opportunity for revenge. He said he wasn’t in the habit of screwing young girls in tears.

He also reminded me of why he hates me. Every shitty thing that I have ever done to him, including sleeping with Olivia. He also hit a nerve when he told me that for someone who hates my father so damn much, I sure have turned out exactly like him. The funny thing is, he is right, but to beat someone like my father, you have to be just like them to play them at their own damn game.

I look down at my phone, staring at her name and number. I want to call her and ask why she hasn’t been back, but I know why, and she’s smart. She can’t escape me though, she is mine, and as much as I had considered throwing the fight, I would never do it. Being on top is where I need to be, she is just going to wish she told me the truth before it was too late. She won’t take being with me well, especially when I show her exactly what I do to girls my father throws my way. If my father wants this, I need to pay him a little visit to make sure that he ensures she plays her part.

But now, it’s time Cyrus returned, I let her have a tantrum, but over my dead body is she staying with my uncle.

“Ready?” Wilder asks, and I nod. I asked him for help because I know he doesn’t like her, and that makes for an easy in and out. Emory is currently dealing with an emergency with a student. Some scholarship kid named Samuel is threatening to jump off the roof of the home economics building. Turns out two grand in cash buys you an hour.

“Let’s go,” he says, stuffing cable ties into his pocket. I shake my head at him, there won’t be any need for them, but I don’t have time to argue the point.

Once we’re in my buggy, we take my usual route to my father’s house, except when we get to the property, we bypass the driveway and drive around the side of the house and park so she doesn’t hear us coming. I signal to Wilder to follow me, I grew up here. I know how to break into my own damn pool house. The bedroom window is broken and has been for as long as I can remember. The lock doesn’t click over, I rigged it up when I was younger so the guys and I could sneak in if we needed to.

I slide the window up, hoping that Emory didn’t give her the bedroom, but I doubt he is that chivalrous.

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