Page 100 of I Like You Like That

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“Fine,” I sigh, pulling the covers off and making my way out of bed. Once my feet touch the cool wooden floor, I put my hands on my knees. The marks on my wrists have almost faded. I’ll have to put some makeup on them tonight for the show, but at least they feel good.

The last eight days have been hell. Not only do I have to continue to talk to the police and deal with the aftermath of finding out I have not only a dad, but a half-sister, my heart aches for Liam. Once again, I feel like my sixteen-year-old self—lost, confused, rejected—the only thing I don’t feel this time is alone.

My band is constantly around me. They take everything in stride and don’t make a big deal out of what happened. So now my daily routine consists of rehearsal, going to my room, watching bad movies, and crying. Sometimes Gia joins me, but she doesn't try to talk to me about what happened or why Liam left. Of course, Mom keeps calling, but I told her I’ll talk with her when I’m ready. There’s only so much I can take right now and listening to her excuses as to why she kept family from me is not one of them.

Wren places her hand on my shoulder, her green eyes full of concern. “Are you okay, B?”

I blink away the sadness that threatens to spill forward. “Yeah. I’m fine.” Even though I’m anything but fine. Eventually I’ll talk to my therapist and deal with what happened in Nashville, but right now I just want to hang out with my best friend and get ready for my show. My fans deserve a good show, and I want to prove to the world that Birdie Wilder can’t be broken. Not by a stalker, not by family drama, and sure as hell not by a man.

Once I’m off the bed I give Wren a hug. “Thank you for coming here. I’m glad you did.” Her body relaxes against mine. The comfort and familiarity of her feels like home. When I pull back, I think it’s the first time I’ve had a real smile on my face in over a week.

She smiles back, her gaze warm. “Anytime, B. Anytime.”

Thankfully, rehearsal goes well, and I feel confident tonight’s show will be great. Maybe it will even be one of our best. Given the circumstances, that’s a damn miracle.

I take a sip of the mimosa in my hand then lean my head back as the whirlpool jets knead my shoulders. Wren and I just got a massage and facial. I’m feeling loose and relaxed for the first time in a while. Despite everything that’s gone down, it’s nice to know I don’t have a stalker out there at the moment. At least I hope not.

“I wish I could do this every day,” Wren sighs happily. “Think if I retire early the flower shop will survive without me?

I chuckle. “Probably not.”

“You’re right. Well, I’ll enjoy it while I can. Do you get to do this often?”

I think of the last time I had a spa day in Florida. Liam and I had our moment in the sauna. My smile falters, and Wren notices.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad with that question.”

My eyes meet hers. “It’s not your fault. The last time I went to the spa Liam and I—I guess that’s when we sort of came to a truce.”

Wren sets down her mimosa and moves closer to me. “Do you want to talk about him? I know it’s a sore subject but…”

“You want the deets,” I finish for her with a grin.

“I mean, I am your best girlfriend, and I didn’t even know you and Liam were a thing until… Well, you know.”

“Do you know anything?” I ask, genuinely curious.

“Not very much. And please don’t be mad at Ben for saying something. He was concerned about Liam and needed advice.”

I exhale. “Don’t worry. I’m not mad. We’re all friends here. And even if Liam did break my heart, I’m glad he has someone to talk to. Especially someone like Ben.”

“Maybe it will help if you talk about it, Birdie. I know you know this, but I’m worried about you.”

I audibly sigh and take a long sip of my drink. Thankfully it’s heavier on the champagne side. “I know you are. I just needed some time to process. It all happened so fast.”

“What did?”

“Liam and I…” I make a wild gesture, “…everything.”

Wren nods like she understands. “I don’t know much, but I do know Liam feels like shit.”

I snort. “He should.”

“Tell me, Birdie. I want to dish with you like old times.” She taps the side of her champagne flute almost mischievously. “It will make you feel better.”

I huff a laugh. “Only if we can talk about what the heck is going on with you and Ben.”

She groans dramatically. “Do I have to?”
