Page 107 of I Like You Like That

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After a moment he squares his shoulders back and his jaw hardens a bit.

“When I left, I was scared,” he stops again, like he’s trying to work out his words. “Fuck,” he mutters, his eyes burning into mine. “I’m still scared, Birdie.”

“Scared of what?”

“Scared that I’ll let you down. Scared that something will happen to you. Scared that I’ll say the wrong thing, and that I can’t be a good boyfriend to you. After Nashville, my mind hasn’t been in the right place. All I can see are my failures. How all the things that make me happy are tarnished somehow. I didn’t want my fear to hurt you. I didn’t want another person I love to be taken from me. That’s why I left. That’s why I haven’t reached out. I just couldn’t.”

My heart beats loudly in my ears.He loves me. He finally said it. My chest constricts and my palms sweat. Everything he just confessed I already knew, but to hear it from his lips calms my inner turmoil. But it also pains me that he thinks he can’t have good things in his life. He deserves to be loved. He’s a good man, he just needs to realize that for himself.

“Birdie,” he says, his voice laden with raw emotion. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry. And I completely understand if you don’t want me in your life after what I put you through I—”

I put my fingers against his mouth, stopping further words from exiting his bowed lips.

“Liam,” I exhale. “Do you really love me?”

For a moment I see the confusion in his eyes, but it’s quickly replaced by amusement. “That’s all you heard?”

A small but happy laugh escapes me. “I heard it all Liam, and I want you to know that you’re worth more to me than the possibility of loss. I refuse to let it rule my life. And if you’re willing to work through your fears with me, to not let them stop you from loving me, then—”

Liam lifts a hopeful brow. “Then?”

I squeeze his hand. “Tell me you love me.”

The corners of his mouth lift and he brings one of his hands to gently grasp my chin. My heart flutters at the movement and I watch his mouth as it moves.

“I love you, Birdie Wilder. I fucking love you.”

Something bursts inside me at his words and tears spring to my eyes. I can’t stop them, and I don’t want to. I don’t have to ask him if he means it or if he wants me. I can see everything in his eyes. I can see his desire, his pain, his fear, his joy, his worry. But most importantly, his love. His eyes begin to water as I bring my hand to the back of his head, running my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.

“I haven’t completely forgiven you,” I say quietly. “We have a lot to work on and it won’t be easy,” I tell him quietly. “But I think you know that.”

He brushes the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. “I know, Birdie. I don’t expect you to fall at my feet. I just need you to know that I’m sorry and that I love you. That I’m here with you. That I’ll face my fears with you if you’ll have me.”

“If we try this again. And I mean really try this, you can’t run. I don’t know if my heart could handle it. Honestly it wouldn’t be good for either of us.”

Worry fills Liam's eyes, and he pulls me closer to him. “I know I fucked up. I shouldn’t have left. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

I shush him. “No, Liam. No more regrets. I just want to move forward. But I need you to know that this is it. This is our last chance.” I tell him sincerely.

He presses his forehead into mine and closes his eyes. “I understand. I won’t waste it.”

“I won’t either,” I promise.

Our breaths mingle, and for the first time since the kidnapping I feel warm inside. As if the spark that died inside me rekindled.

“Liam…” his name like a prayer on my lips.

“Yes, Birdie girl?”

“I love you, too.”

“Thank fuck,” he huffs out right before he closes the distance between us. When our lips meet my knees go weak and my body comes alive.

I know this kiss doesn’t fix what's broken, but I feel like we can do it.

If we made it through every shit thing in our lives, then we can make it through this.
