Page 12 of Kiss the Girl

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Her cheeks felt like they were on fire and she was glad no one could see her. “Oh, well…”

“Don’t worry. You aren’t the first person to feel relieved, and you won’t be the last. Unfortunately, she just brings that out in people.”

“The last thing I want to do is offend her,” Savannah countered. “I mean…she’s Cash’s cousin and…”

“Uh-uh-uh…no talk about Cash, right?”

Laughing, she nodded. “Thank you. You’re right.”

“I need to go and make a few more calls, so I’ll just plan on seeing you in the morning.”

“That sounds great. And Parker?”



“Have a good night!”

As soon as she hung up, Savannah made her way to her bedroom and contemplated what she was going to wear for her big night out. Right now, she was in yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt, with her hair up in a ponytail.

“Yeah, so not the look I’m going for,” she murmured as she searched through her closet for something cute—not that she had much. With all her medical bills and pretty much everything else in her life, shopping for stylish clothes fell to the bottom of the list, and now she was regretting it.

Way in the back of the closet, she had one little sundress that she hadn’t worn in years. It was probably a little too dressy to go and eat at a pub, but considering this was a night to celebrate, she figured it would work.

After a quick shower, she took the time to style her long hair a bit and even put on a little extra makeup. When she looked at her reflection, Savannah was a little stunned.

She barely recognized herself.

“When was the last time I actually put effort into myself?” she whispered and almost cried because she couldn’t remember.

Swallowing hard, she quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe her tears before she ruined her makeup and then ran into her room to get dressed.

A quick glance at her phone showed it was after six and it was crazy how long it had taken to get herself ready.

“Maybe that’s why I stopped putting in the time,” she said as she grabbed her purse and slid on a pair of sandals.

Locking up the house, she climbed into her car and quickly pulled up the address for Donovan’s Pub. It was only six minutes away and after clicking on their website, she scanned the menu and saw that pretty much everything on it checked all her boxes.

Deep fried appetizers? Check.

Decadent burgers and fries? Check.

Even more decadent desserts? Um…she scrolled down and…check!

“Hopefully it will all taste as good as it sounds.” Starting the car, she pulled out of the driveway with only a slight hesitation and a pang of guilt for leaving Cash by himself. “He has my number,” she assured herself. “And it’s not like I’m going to be gone all night.”

After that, there were no regrets—only excitement and anticipation of the night ahead.

* * *

It took a few days,but Jackson was getting sick of his own company and decided to go out and grab some dinner rather than having something delivered. It took more of an effort to shower and shave and make himself look presentable than he thought it would, but now that he was outside and breathing in some fresh air, he figured it was worth it.

Where to go to eat was a no-brainer. Liam had bragged about his family’s pub for years and tonight he was going to find out for himself if all the praise was worth it.

Like the note had indicated, the place was literally five minutes away and he kind of felt stupid driving there. The walk would have done his knee some good since he’d been somewhat lazy since arriving in town.

“Note to self: walk more,” he murmured as he climbed from the truck.
