Page 11 of Kiss the Girl

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He had the good sense to look away for a moment. “Georgia doesn’t like many people, but once I explained our situation, she unclenched a bit.”

This was all good news—Savannah had a job and Cash was talking to at least some of his family. And yet…it didn’t feel right. Something still felt…off, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“From everything you’ve told me about her, it seems like she’s the most difficult out of all your relatives.”

With a nod, he said, “That she is. The rest are like a day at the beach compared to her. And after talking to Parker, it’s hard to believe such a sweet and upbeat girl could be related to that snooty bitch.”

“Speaking of the rest…”

“Please don’t start on me too,” he said wearily. “I went there with both Georgia and Parker and I’m not ready yet.”

She wanted to argue, but he looked tired and his color wasn’t so great today. Standing, she walked over and felt his head before placing a kiss there. “Fine. What about dinner? What are you in the mood for?”

“I’m not really hungry. Besides, it’s barely four o’clock.”

“Yeah, but I need to go to the store and get some groceries. There wasn’t anything here that I wanted to make.”

“You don’t need to wait on me.” Pausing, he yawned. “You know, you should go out and explore the town a little. Maybe go and get yourself something to eat at one of the local places.”

Staring down at the envelope she had yet to open, it hit her how it had been years since she’d really gone out and done anything. Picking it up, she opened it and saw that they were indeed the final papers. She was no longer married and she had her maiden name back.

Savannah Brennan was gone and Savannah James was back.

It was silly for a piece of paper to hold so much power in it, but it did. She’d been fighting for this moment for two years and now that it was here, it deserved to be celebrated.

“How about we both go out?” she suggested, waving the papers at him. “I’m a free woman! I’ve got my name back and everything. What do you say? I’ll even let you have a beer!”

Cash gave her a weak smile as he shook his head. “I wish I could, Savi, but I’m not feeling it tonight. You should go, though. Go out and enjoy yourself.”

“Alone? I don’t see how that’s possible.”

Slowly, he came to his feet and kissed her cheek. “Parker said there’s a pub not too far from here. Donovan’s or something like that. She said they have great food, live music sometimes, and most of the people who hang out there are your age.” Smiling softly, he reached up and cupped her cheek. “It’s time for you to return to the world of the young and vibrant. You’ve overcome so much and you should be out celebrating life. You beat your illness. Be thankful and embrace every moment you have.”

Emotion clogged her throat, but before she could say anything, Cash had shuffled out of the room. In the distance, she heard his bedroom door close and knew he was going to bed. Chances were he’d be up in the middle of the night, but the exhaustion hit him like that sometimes.

Indecision hit her hard. Part of her felt like she should stay in just in case he needed her, but…it would be nice to get out and have a celebratory dinner. Maybe something really decadent followed by an even more decadent dessert.

“Okay, I’ve convinced myself,” she said lightly. Putting the papers back in the envelope, she stared at her phone and knew she needed to call Parker back too. If she accepted the position, there were some things that were non-negotiable.

Her relationship with Cash was not up for discussion.

If his family wanted to know anything about him, they were going to have to ask him themselves.

And five minutes later, that’s exactly what she said to her new boss, who immediately agreed to her terms.

“This is going to be awesome, Savannah! Welcome to Alloro.”

“Thanks! I really am looking forward to it.”

“Can you come in tomorrow morning around ten? I’d love to give you the tour you missed out on the other day.”

As much as she hated to ask, there was one more thing. “Um…is your…mother going to be there too?”

Rather than get offended, Parker laughed.


“No. You do not have to worry; my mother took the rest of the week off and then she and my father are heading down to the Florida Keys for a week, so you’re safe.”
