Page 74 of The Road to You

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It’s not an everyday occurrence to feel this strongly for another person. I’ve been around long enough to know this. So no matter how terrified I am, no matter how down right petrified, I’m going to put myself all in and let the waves take me where they will.

That very thin thread holding me in place shreds away and I fall apart beneath Kane, his name a whispered repeat on my lips as my body pulses around him. His release follows directly after mine and within moments he collapses, the delicious weight of him cocooning me in, making me feel safe for the first time in a very long time.

“You, Elara Menton.” Kane lifts his head so that his face is hovering directly above mine. “Are the most fearless person I’ve ever met. And I don’t just mean because you had the guts to come on this trip with me or because you let me drag you thousands of feet in the air and convinced you to throw yourself out of a plane. I mean because when I asked you something, something most people would have been scared to admit, you laid it right out there. No bullshit. No games. I asked you a question and you told me the truth.”

“I’m done keeping my feelings inside,” I admit softly. “I’ve done it once before and I don’t ever want to do it again. I can’t change the past, but I can control how that changes my future.”

“Fearless.” He smiles, laying a soft kiss to my mouth before pulling back. “I think I fell in love with you the very first time I saw you.” His admission has my heart thudding so hard in my chest there’s no way he can’t feel it. “You were so beautiful. Wearing that light pink dress; your hair pinned up on the sides and left long down the back. I remember watching you all night thinking my brother was quite possibly the luckiest man on the fucking earth.”

“Kane,” I start, but he keeps talking.

“I thought about you, ya know. After that night of the party. I thought about you more than any man should think about a woman. Especially a woman he barely knew and who was very much spoken for by his brother.”

“I thought about you too,” I admit, not saying more.

“When I saw you at the funeral, fuck, Elara, even in my grief seeing you was like having sunlight on my face for the first time in days. You made me feel like I could breathe. And that made me feel…”

“Guilty,” I finish his sentence, already knowing what he’s going to say because I felt the same way.

“I’m done feeling guilty. Whatever this is, whatever is happening between us, I want to keep exploring it. I want this with you. And if I’m being honest, I think Kam would want this for the both of us.”

“So do I,” I admit, tears pricking the back of my eyes.

“I’m in so fucking deep,” he mutters softly against my lips, brushing his mouth against mine.

“Me too,” I whisper back.

With that, he kisses me harder and everything I was feeling minutes ago somehow grows a million times over, swelling inside my chest.

Kam Thaler shattered my heart when he died. I never dreamed anyone would be able to piece it back together. But Kane is. Day by day. Minute by minute. Second by second. He’s bringing me back to life.
