Page 78 of Force of Gravity

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“What?” I swallow past the sudden lump that forms in my throat.

I’ve only ever snuck into Atlas’s room once and we both agreed it was too risky to do it again. Since then, we’ve kept our activities limited to when we know where Brennon is and have a pretty good idea of when he’ll be home.

“Come to my room tonight.”

“Because you didn’t get enough of me already today?” I quip.

“No, I didn’t. Not nearly enough.”

“It’s too risky.”

“What’s life without a little risk?”

“We could get caught.”

“We won’t. And I’m not hanging up until you agree.”

“I could always just hang up on you, you know?”

“Well, then I’ll call back.”

“And I won’t answer.” A light laugh hugs around my words.

“Yes, you will.”

“And how can you be so sure?”

“Because you, Barlow, despite your best efforts to appear otherwise, are just as consumed by me as I am by you.”

This little admission has my heart thudding so violently against my ribs I’m pretty certain one or more of them are going to crack under the assault.

He’s consumed by me...

I don’t know what to say, what to think, what to do. And yet, I can’t deny the truth behind his words. Iamconsumed. Completely, irreversibly, utterly consumed by him.

“What do you say?” he asks, but it’s like my brain has turned to mush and I don’t know how to process a thought, let alone speak.

I swallow hard, my mind racing to catch up.

“I’m not coming home until you agree.”

“You keep threatening things but in the end, they only hurt you.” I finally manage to find my tongue.Hello there, old girl, long time no see. “I don’t care if you come home or not.”

“I think we both know that isn’t true.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

I think about denying it but I know it won’t do me any good.

“Fine. But only if you promise me something in return.”


Is it possible to smile so big that your face splits in half? Because right now that’s exactly what I feel like mine is about to do.

“Okay then, I agree.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me what I’m promising to do?”

“Nope.” I laugh.
