Page 60 of Ronan

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I plead with her all the way to the hospital not to leave me.

We arrive at the hospital, and just as we enter the emergency room, the machines she has strapped to her changes in frequency and speed.

I’m left in the middle of the waiting room as they wheel her through another set of doors, when I hear a doctor shout, “We’re losing her,” as the doors close behind him.

Chapter 34


Five hours we’ve been sat in this waiting room, and nobody has been out to tell us anything––nobody can tell us anything. Everyone we’ve asked has said the doctor will be out to talk to us when they can.

I’ve watched Ronan pace the room since we got here, I’ve tried talking to him, but he’s shut down, he’s not said a word to anyone, and he won’t even sit. The nurse came out earlier to check his arm where the bullet grazed him, but he just glared at her. She had to try and clean is as he paced. In the end, she gave up, grumbling something about him being lucky it was just a graze as she walked away.

The only acknowledgment we see from him is when the doors to the ER rooms open, his head shooting in that direction but then dropping again when nobody even looks at us.

“Kill.” Connor pulls my attention from Ronan briefly.


“Dan just called, the cops have rolled out, we have the club back.”

“Do we know casualties, or who’s responsible?”

“Ah, yeah, five of the fuckers that stormed the place are dead. One patron dead, nine injured, not including Liv. Cops have put it down to local gang rivalry. I have our guys working on ID-ing the dead to confirm. Dan’s already started cleaning up. I’m just gonna check on the place then head to Ma’s, they haven’t told Maddie what’s going on yet, but she’s asking for her Ma.”

I keep my eyes fixed on Ronan as I call out, “Hey, Connor, if you’re going to tell Maddie anything, take Finn with you, the kid loves him, he’ll help keep her calm.”

“Call us if you need us. Finn, lets go.”

Finn gives me a chin lift as I watch him and Connor walk out the front entrance. Turning back, Ronan comes up to me and finally takes a seat next me.

Watching him, I’m suddenly overcome with guilt. “I’m sorry, Ronan. She’s in here because of me.”


“Liv, she jumped in front of that bullet to save me. She’s in there now fighting for her life because she saved mine. We might lose her, Mad’s might lose her Ma. I am so fucking sorry.”

I see him shake his head. “She did it so I wouldn’t lose another brother. I pushed her away because I was scared she’d get hurt by just being with me, but it didn’t matter. We weren’t together and she got hurt anyway.”

“Mr O’Farrell?” Ronan and I both jump to our feet as the doctor approaches.

Ronan practically pounces on him. “Doc, where is she? Is she okay?”

“Mr O’Farrell, please, calm down. I’d like to apologise for taking so long to get back to you, we have been dealing with a lot of injuries from the club shooting. Your fiancée is doing okay––she was extremely lucky. I understand she jumped in front of a bullet?”

“Yeah, she, er, she jumped over a table to save me from the bullet.”

The doctor smiles, its warm and it puts me at ease. “Her actions may have been what saved her life. The bullet was a through and through, it missed all major blood vessels and organs. It clipped her spleen on its exit––we’ve repaired it, and she should eventually make a full recovery.

“She will need some follow up visits with her doctor, her recovery will take up to twelve weeks, no exercise or even light lifting for at least four of those weeks, and ideally not until her doctor has assessed her in around three weeks’ time.”

“Wait, her heart stopped when we got here, they said they were losing her when they wheeled her through the doors…”

“No, her heart rate slowed to dangerously low levels, it hadn’t stopped. Once we were in the emergency room, we were able to stabilise it pretty quickly.”

“Can I see her?”

“Of course, the nurses will take you through to her. She is resting right night now, and ideally, one visitor at a time and not for too long. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have others to see.”
