Page 23 of Say You Promise

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When she told me she couldn't see me the next day, I was livid. At first, it was because I got turned down, but then I realized how obsessed I was acting over someone I had just met, which doesn’t sit well with me. I don't chase women, and I'm not about to start. So, this week, I went out of my way to avoid her. I even thought about deleting her number from my phone to eliminate any possibility of texting her. I needed space to clear my head and wrap my brain around everything. She makes me feel things I've never thought possible, and I feel like I'm spiraling.

Thoughts be damned. Seeing her now makes everything else inconsequential. Watching her walk out to her car makes me want to claim her right now, especially when I know all these other men are looking at her. She is seriously stunning without even trying. I need to remind myself that I’m mad at her, and I have no plans to chase her. The problem is I can't deny that she affects me, and I can't just let that go.

"Hey, Maria, isn't that your daughter Gianna?" John one of the lead salesmen calls out.

Maria looks up and out the window before setting the food down on the credenza. She's smiling. "Yes, that's Gianna. This was her first week as a full-time employee."

My head snaps up towards Maria. I had no idea her mom worked here, let alone that her mom was Maria. Maria worked for my grandfather for years before she came to Reds. So, she knows my parents well. That must have been why Gianna was so hesitant to go out with me. Her mom is close to my family. However, that relationship isn’t a deal-breaker. If anything, it’s potentially a minor inconvenience if things didn’t work out.

Apart from her mother's blonde hair, Gigi looks nothing like Maria. Maria has dark brown eyes framed by glasses. She's tall, curvy, and has the biggest set of tits I've ever seen. Gigi is the opposite. She has deep green eyes, she can't be any taller than 5'4", and she didn't get her mom's huge tits, but my god, does she have a peach for an ass. My cock twitches just thinking about how plump it was in my palms, and how when I squeezed it hard, she fucking loved it.

John spins back around in his chair to face the conference table and starts tapping his pen on his notepad.

"Well, how does she like it so far? Has she decided where she wants to go to school in the fall?"

That snaps me out of my sex-induced fog fast. What is he talking about? Where does she want to go to school? How has she not started college yet? I quickly realize I didn't know the answers to these questions because I assumed she was my age and done with college, but now I'm sweating bullets waiting for Maria's response. Maria walks around handing out lunches, and I'm trying hard to refrain from asking her to hurry up and answer the question already.

"I think she is planning on starting at a Community College this fall to get her prerequisites out of the way before transferring them to a University. She's just happy to be done with High School and feels blessed to have landed this job."

Wait a minute, she's glad to be done with High School! Before John can reply I bite out. "How old is your daughter Maria?"

It took everything in me to try and stifle the distress in my tone, but I think Maria caught it anyway. She sits down in her chair, pushes her blonde hair over her shoulder, and adjusts her big glasses before locking eyes with me.

"She just turned eighteen a month ago."

I snap the pen I was holding in half, and Maria looks at the ink dripping out onto the table while John throws a napkin at me.

"August, you're dripping ink all over the table, son. Clean it up."

Are you kidding me right now? She is only eighteen? I know any misconceptions about her age are squarely mine. But in my defense, she doesn’t carry herself like an eighteen-year-old, if anything it’s quite the opposite. In her, I see a reflection of myself, an old soul of sorts. Hell, that’s half of what attracted me to her. Twenty is one thing, but eighteen is another. Fuck, why didn't I ask any questions on our date? I fucking took an eighteen-year-old girl out for dinner and drinks before making her come all over my leg. Oh my god. Why the fuck didn't she tell me how old she was? This was a mistake and I need to rectify it immediately.

I scowl at John in annoyance before excusing myself from the conference room.

I'm furious at this point. I need to see her right now. As I walk out to my car, I shoot her a text.

August: Meet me at Grinders now! You better come.

And just to make sure we are clear, I add.

August: That's a threat!

It's not a threat, but I don't need her playing games right now. How can she only be eighteen? I must make it clear that Friday was a mistake that will never happen again.

I'm leaning up against the side of my Mercedes G-Wagon when I see her old burgundy car pull into the parking lot. She parks on the opposite side, probably not recognizing the car I'm driving today. My pulse rises as I watch her get out of her car wearing black skinny jeans, converse, and a grey Reds sweater. She looks like a fucking snack. Even dressed down, she is sexy as fuck.Damn it

I have to remind myself I can't touch her again. She is too young. While she might not be jailbait. I would look like I'm taking advantage of her or coercing her, on top of it being taboo in the workplace. Before I knew who she was, I knew it was frowned upon but now add in who her mom is and her age.Fuck

She spots me and starts to make her way over. I can't read her expression since she's wearing sunglasses, but if her body language is any sign, she's pissed. Once she's in front of me, she lifts her sunglasses off her eyes and puts them in her hair. Her green eyes immediately pierce my soul, and my body physically aches from the words I'm about to say.

"What the hell was so important that I had to drop what I was doing and meet you here or get fired?" That fucking smart mouth, I swear.

"I'm sorry, did I pull you away from another hot lunch date?" Her eyes narrow at me as if she's trying to read my mood.

"Are you serious right now? You asked me over here to throw insults at me?" And there it is. I see a flash of hurt cross her expression before she straightens her spine. "Just do us both a favor and leave me alone, August. Lose my number while you’re at it!"

Turning to walk towards her car, she thinks I'll let her have the last word, but I'm not done. I grab her wrist and spin her back around to meet my annoyed gaze. The move shocks her, and her eyes widen in surprise as she tries to pull out of my grip. I can't hurt her. Hurting her would hurt me, and that's a glaring truth I'm not ready to acknowledge so I soften my words.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about last week. Friday was a mistake, and it won't happen again."
