Page 37 of Say You Promise

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"You won't touch what is fucking mine. You're already treading on thin ice, don't push me."

The disdain dripping from each word had me wondering if there was more to this confrontation than I was comprehending. The two of them are staring at each other with such hate it's hard to believe they are friends. That's when 'twilight' decides to step in.

"Come on, bro! He was just fucking around."

August pushes him back before releasing his shirt. Before I know it, they're all staring at me. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, not sure what to say. I swear I see August's eyes briefly soften in apology, but it's gone just as fast as it came, then my phone chimes. Wow, Mason got here quick.

"Well, boys, this has certainly been entertaining, to say the least, but my ride is here, so I'm going to head out."

I turn around to grab my purse off the table and start towards the door, but August beats me there and clips out, "I told you I would take you home."

I'm admittedly surprised by the ire in his voice. His friends showed up out of nowhere and are now nagging him about our relationship. If I leave, that gives him an out, he doesn't have to pretend to like me. He can talk shit about how he just 'hit it' and shrug off their derogatory comments instead of feeling obligated to stick up for me. I don't need his pity. I chose to have sex with him. He doesn't have to act like it was anything more for my benefit.

"Look, my ride is here, and your friends are here. It's no big deal. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

He crosses his arms and pins me with a murderous stare.

"Who's the ride, Gianna?"

Biting my lip, I advert my gaze to the guys who are now leaning up against the counter, beers in hand, watching this all play out. Twilight arches a brow at me as if to say we want to know too.Bastards

Swallowing hard, I clear my throat, but before I can speak, August puts up his hand to stop me before saying, "If you value the air in his lungs, you will not get in that car."

Now I'm mad. Who is he to threaten my friends?

"He's just a friend, August." His jaw tics, and his eyes narrow on me before he says, "A friend that wants to fuck you."

The nerve of this man!

"Well, we both know he isn't that lucky. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to leave."

I meet the ire in his gaze with a fury of my own, and quirk a brow at him daring him to question the validity of what I just said. He may not have realized at the moment what the blood meant, but I think he does now.

Our stare-down is broken by a knock at the door, and I feel like roots have grown out of the floor cementing me in place. When I texted Mason, I fully intended to meet him at his car. My stomach sinks with the knowledge that he’ll see August, and I feel sick knowing he is on the other side of that door.

August notices my sudden discomfort with the situation and decides to twist the knife by opening the door slowly. That's when I hear Mason mutter, "Is she fucking serious right now?" And just like that, August throws the door open to reveal me standing there like a deer stuck in headlights.

Mason does a quick scan of the place, taking note of the two idiots at the island before raking his eyes up my body, no doubt checking for foul play before meeting my gaze. The desolate look in his eyes has my heart literally tearing in half. All I want is to throw myself into his arms and tell him how sorry I am, that I never wanted to hurt him this way. None of that matters now. I know that I need to break things off with Mason. I can't be what he deserves.

Mason finally breaks the silence, his words laced in bile. "Gianna, let's go." Before I can make a move, August casually steps in front of Mason's view. Putting his hands in his pockets, he says, "Leave Croft."

My eyes widen in shock as I stare at the back of his head. How the hell does he know Mason's last name? Is he stalking me now?

"You know I can't do that." He steps to the side so I can once again see him and gestures for me to come with him. Slowly I take two steps towards the door, ready to walk around August, when he throws his arm out to block me before biting out, "I'll terminate the contract."

Mason shakes his head in frustration before meeting his eye.

"You're a prick, you know that right?"

August casually shrugs. "I never claimed not to be."

Mason puts his tongue in his cheek before putting one hand on the doorframe and leaning in with challenge in his eyes.

"You already know she means more to me than that. You're just pissed that I'm the one she called to get away from you. Maybe next time you want to keep a girl, don't threaten her."

August turns around and glares at me hard. I confided in Mason, now he's mad, but I don't owe him anything. Before either one of them can say another word, I storm past both shouldering August as I walk out the door.

I yell over my shoulder, "I'll get an Uber," as I quickly charge the stairs in a rush to escape before either one can stop me.
