Page 21 of Until The Moon Ends

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When I first met the Alpha, he had the gall to mock me and treat me like a child, warning me about creatures I didn't have the strength to fight. But here he was, alive because of our kindness. I hoped his pride was slow to recover.

"Once we reach the other side, we'll have to trek over the barren lands to get to Gygax," Lex said. "I will need a fat, juicy meal before we cross. I'm not eating desert trash. My system is far too delicate to be forced to settle for lizards," he groaned, pretending to gag.

He was much more pleasant since having a proper meal, and while I was curious as to who he was able to find wandering around the enchanted forest, I thought it best not to ask. However, the siren still had an edge in his tone every time he spoke to Joon, but the wolf didn’t meet his challenge.

It made me smile to see the massive Alpha bite his tongue around such a slight and delicate creature as Lex.

"Gygax?" I asked, fanning myself with a palm leaf. The day was hot, too hot, and the trees were thinning, providing less shade with each step.

"The Stone City," Joon said, pulling his shirt off.

The Alpha looked just as I remembered. His skin was a beautiful tan color, and his muscles flexed, defined and firm. Scars covered his chest and back, giving a glimpse of his violent past.

The wind shifted as we walked and, more than once, his thick masculine scent drifted toward me. It was sweet and smokey, making my nose tingle and my eyes flutter.

He paused every few feet or so, glancing over his shoulder as he walked ahead, making sure we were safely behind him. His eyes were deep and serious, and I looked over the long claw mark down his arm, wondering what it would feel like to run my fingers over it. My wolf thrilled at the idea.

I shook my head at the odd thought and eyed Lex. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, shooting me a quick smile, and I grabbed his arm. Pulling him back, away from the Alpha, I was suddenly irrationally annoyed with the siren.

"Are you doing something to me?" I asked in a hushed tone. Lex gave me a confused look, his brows knitted together. "A spell. Did you put a spell on me?" My eyes flickered to Joon's back, causing Lex to crack a wide grin.

"Why?" he teased. "Is he doing something to you?" He motioned to the Alpha, his tone playful and excited.

"You promised you wouldn't put any more spells on me,” I gritted out in a harsh whisper.

"I'd like to put a spell on him," Lex hummed, eyeing the Alpha's broad shoulders. "Make him do something to me."

"Seriously, Lex. Stop it." I pulled at his arm, forcing him to face me properly. "I don't like it, and I have a mate."

"I'm not doing anything to you, little wolf. I said no spells, and I meant it." All humor was gone from his voice. "And I don't want to upset you, but you don't have a mate anymore. And this Alpha is alive and well and looksverygood. Maybe you should —"

"Stop it," I repeated, my face heating up. I didn't want to think about touching another Alpha like that. The thoughts the rushed through my head were embarrassing and inappropriate, and I barely knew Joon. "It's not funny, and I have no interest in him. So please, quit."

"Well, if you aren't going to enjoy his company, mind if I have a bite?" He licked his lips, his teeth angling into sharp points for the briefest of moments.

"No!" I yelled louder than intended.

Joon spun around. "What's wrong?" he yelled back.

"Just admiring the view," Lex smirked, eyeing the Alpha's half-naked body. Joon frowned before turning back and pressing on. "Just look at his jawbone," Lex hummed. "It's so sharp. I just want to cut my lips on it."

"You don't even like him," I mumbled.

"Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I don't want to eat him.”

I huffed and walked on, leaving Lex to eye Joon like a tempting delicacy. My wolf agreed, wagging her tail.

We setup camp not far from a stream of water, wanting to rest as much as we could before crossing into the barren lands. The deadly creatures that lived in the enchanted forest mostly kept to the center, leaving the occasional playful wisp or fluttering pixie as our only companions.

A few tiny wisps danced in the breeze, taunting each other and making me laugh as I searched for firewood. I had never seen one so close before. I had spied them outside the village gates many times, but they never ventured inside the border walls.

I followed the smoke-like creatures, laughing as they spun and flipped through my hair. For the first time in a while, I didn't feel like I might be attacked at any moment, and I allowed myself to enjoy it.

I paused and reached for another stick, adding to the growing bundle in my arms. The wisps swirled around me once more before catching in a swift gust of wind and drifting into the forest. I waited until they disappeared before heading back toward our camp.

I dropped the sticks into the make-shift fire pit and froze when I caught Joon's eyes on me. The Alpha stiffened and looked away. More than once, I saw him watching me, and it made me a little uncomfortable. I wondered if he found me as ridiculous as I sometimes felt. He was a fierce predator, and I was just a weak Omega, made to provide young and care for my family, not exact revenge.

I couldn't help but wonder if he and Lex took me seriously at all. Joon's lingering gaze and Lex's overly playful attitude occasionally cut through my exhaustion, making me wish I hadn't left home.
