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Just gone.

I had never felt so alone.

Hot, silent tears rolled down my cheeks, and I sniffled softly, trying to force myself back on my feet. I wanted my mother. I wanted to be held and loved like a pup again, safe in my mom's arms.

The rustling sound of movement startled me, and I ducked quickly behind Korban's body. Terror flooded my veins, and I trembled as I forced my eyes as wide as they could physically go to take in the meadow around me.

A twig broke, then a soft grunt pulled my attention to a large tree just at the edge of the meadow. I held my breath as the Beta from last night dropped down from its branches. He landed hard, smacking his bottom.

"Fuck," he grunted.

He stood and arched his back, stretching his arms and legs. Then he stepped closer to the tree, a slight hitch in his step, and urinated on the ground.

My muscles relaxed a bit and I sat up, just watching him.

The Beta moaned loudly and rested his head against the bark.

His behavior was so odd. Like he had no fear of being caught, not by the rogues that attacked us last night nor by my pack, who were undoubtedly looking for my mate and me by now.

The longer I sat there, the angrier I got. While he might not have been the one that killed Korban, he was the reason my Alpha was dead. With a simple nod of his head, the tan she-wolf ripped Korban's throat out.

No, this Beta was a murderer. He killed my mate.

Rage thrummed through my body as he casually strolled into the forest. I stood tall, my legs stronger and my body firm with purpose, and I quietly followed him.

Allowing myself one more painful glance, I looked back at Korban's face one more time, wishing I could kiss his lips and feel his warmth. I gave myself a brief moment, then I turned away from him and slipped into the trees.

The Beta walked so damn slowlyall day. He'd stop and sit on the rocks, throw stones in puddles, and pick flowers that crossed his path. It was as if he were taking a leisurely stroll with a friend, and it enraged me to no end. Every butterfly he gazed at and every pebble he tossed made me want to pluck his eyes out like berries and force him to eat them.

Staying several paces behind him, I spent all day ducking behind trees and bushes each time he stopped. He was so careless. Not once sniffing the air or scanning for threats. I started to think that he was messing with me.He had to know I was following him. Otherwise, why would he act in such a purposefully carefree manner?

I let out a silent yawn, and leaned against a massive rock overlooking a valley. The heat of the day had come and gone, and the Beta was enjoying an afternoon of climbing trees and singing to himself. I winced as his pitch got higher and more strained with each branch he climbed.

My fingers grazed over the pearl tied to my wrist as I breathed deeply, struggling to contain my grief. My feet hurt, and I was overly exposed in only a shirt that barely covered my bottom, but I was determined to continue to follow him. My rage demanded it.

Every time I wanted to turn around and run to my parent's house, I'd think of Korban. Of his smile, his scent, his lips. I would never feel those lips on me ever again. The thought consumed me, and instead of crying, I just kept walking. But now, waiting on that damn Beta to stop goofing around, I was forced to sit and think of what would become of me. I was a mated Omega with no mate. I had no pups to raise, no real skill to offer. To my pack, I had no worth.

I was startled when I realized I could no longer hear the Beta. He wasn't singing, and I couldn't hear his loud, lazy footsteps. I slowly turned on my knees and moved to peek over the top of the rock but instantly froze.

The Beta suddenly stepped into view only a few feet away from me. His eyes were on the valley, and he seemed oblivious to my presence. I held my breath, too scared to move. While he was somewhat small for a Beta, he was still bigger and stronger than me. And I suddenly felt so stupid for following him.

The Beta took a deep breath and stretched his arms over his head before turning to leave. His gaze fell to me as he moved, and he jumped in surprise. We both remained completely still, just staring at each other for the longest moment.

Then he ran.

I briefly considered running in the opposite direction, but my feet made the choice for me, sprinting after him.

I ran at full speed, leaves and twigs smacking me in the face and arms. My legs ached, and my lungs pinched at my ribs, but I refused to stop. I had spent all day following the simpleton, and I would be damned if I lost him now. But then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. I stopped and stared into the distance where he just was. I held my side, gasping for breath, trying to figure out how he managed to vanish into thin air.

"You've got to be kidding me," I panted.

"Hello?" a strained, breathless voice called out.

I instinctively crouched down, scanning all around me. My wolf let out a weak growl, infuriated with me for putting us in this situation.

"Is someone there?" the voice yelled.

I stood straight up and craned my neck around the wooded area. I could hear grunting and panting as if someone was in a fight, but there was no movement of any kind.
