Page 28 of Needing Daddy

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“Karen, hello, how can I help you?”Shit, I don’t need this right now!

“I’m trying to get in touch with Penny. I have some of her brother’s things that I need to forward to her. How is she doing?”

“Quite well, last I saw her. We went out for tea on Friday.”

An action that buggered my entire weekend.

“When you see her, could you tell her I called, and pass on my number?”

“Yes, very well.” He scribbled it onto his notepad. Damn, now he would have to get in touch with Penny.

“I am so glad she has you to take care of her. Mike said you would. He always spoke so highly of you, David.”

Guilt gnawed at him. Why couldn’t he recall Mike? It made him feel a total sonofabitch not being able to remember a man who’d thought so well of him. A dying man who’d sent him his younger sister to mentor and had also told his girlfriend all about him. He needed to step up and honour the faith this departed friend had placed in him.

“I’ll do my best for Penny, and I hope that you’ll feel able to approach me if ever you need my assistance, Karen,” he said and meant every word.

Recognising this was guilt talking, he ran a hand distractedly through his hair.

“Thank you, David. I appreciate that. Goodbye.”

He set the phone down on his desk and put his head in his hands.

Dammit, heshouldbe looking out for Penny. Mike had trusted him, and deserved his respect. David vowed to be the friend Penny needed. That way he could make up for the fact he hadn’t been a proper mate to poor Mike. He’d totally forgotten the poor guy, a man who’d obviously liked and respected him. Obligated, he determined to keep his eye on Penny.

Interestingly, he felt lighter having made the decision. He pictured Penny’s heart-shaped face and wondered if he was developing feelings for her. Staring at the computer screen, David realised he was unlikely to get any more work done that evening. What he really needed was a stiff drink.

* * *

Allie set the phonedown. “How did I do?”

Penny grinned. “You were amazing,Karen! Who knew my sister was such an accomplished liar?”

“Jack must never find out about my part in this,” Allie said anxiously.

“Why should he? I won’t snitch.”

“What do you think David will do if you two get together and you have to tell him the truth about all of this?”

“That is the one thing that really concerns me; David hated any kind of deception. I assume this David is cut from the same cloth.” She shrugged. “I guess it’s a risk I’ll have to take. I can’t see any other way but to play the charade.”

Allie nodded. “I agree. It is not as though you could just walk into his office and say hi, I’m your wife from another dimension, and you have to marry me.”

“Exactly!” Penny’s phone bleeped. She looked at the screen. “It’s him, it’s David!”

“What does he say?”

“Can I make lunch tomorrow?” she read aloud. “Oh, Allie, I can’t thank you enough for having the idea of phoning him as Karen. Oh, my God, it worked!” Penny squealed and threw her arms around her sister.

“Text him back a yes, and ask when and where to meet,” Allie advised.

“Yes, miss bossy-boots,” Penny said and began to text.

“Jack said I was too controlling. That’s why he wanted to introduce himself as head of household... Maybe he’s right?” Allie mused.

Penny pressed send and looked up. “Just go with him on this head of household thing. You might find you like it, and actually, I think you need someone to make you slow down.”

“Says the Duracell Bunny!”

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