Page 21 of Step Monster

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The combination of hours of therapy, bonding with Trevor and learning to accept my beast, the past five years had been completely…well…magical. I felt like a totally different person. One who finally deserved every bit of happiness that was given to me.

“I swore to you that I would make sure you always were,” he reminded me.

“And you have,” I agreed. “Every single day. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” he promised me. “Come on. Let’s get you dressed, get our first baby picture and then eat your weight in tacos.”

“See,” I said as I swung my legs over the side of the table and Trevor helped me slide to my feet. “So happy.”

And I was. Having Trevor by side had made every single shift easier and easier. He helped me learn to accept my beast and now I wasn’t forced to change at the whim of the moon anymore. Which meant I didn’t have to worry about shifting while pregnant.

Plus, being a cat with a wolf husband was pretty great. I’d learned to embrace every aspect of my life with Trevor, and my powers no longer felt like a curse. It was just one more in a long list of gifts I’d found in my husband’s arms.

And I knew that list would just continue to grow…just like the baby boy in my belly.
