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“What? Caroline…” to her surprise, Alexander pulled her into a hug. Her eyes widened in shock even as he leaned away again and held her face in his hands. “No, Caroline, I do not miss her. What I feel… it is… regret, yes, but nowhere within me is there a hunger to return to what once was. I am married, Caroline. To you. Although we have not been on the best of terms, I know this well. For me, there will never be another. Wanted or not, I will never desecrate this marriage by going out to seek another woman, much less a married one.”

Caroline felt her face heat up as he looked at her, searching her gaze. He was so close that she could almost taste the alcohol on his breath. His eyes seemed to pull her in, and for some reason, she wanted to kiss him at his declaration. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear her head. The heat from his hands was spreading all through her. “Alright, I am sorry for asking that…” she said.

Alexander let go of her and gave a weak smile. “I forgive you. And I will be alright, once I am able to get my mind off these things.”

Caroline could feel her heart pounding in her chest, so loud that it felt she would go deaf from the sound. Before she could lose her courage, she snatched the bottle of whiskey from the ground and downed the remainder of its contents.

“Caroline?” Alexander’s eyes were nearly bugging out of his head as he took the now empty bottle from her. The alcohol burned in her chest and dulled her brain, making her next actions flow more naturally.

As Alexander was distracted, putting the bottle back on the floor and turning to her with a look of worry, she leaned forward and, putting her hand around the back of his neck, pulled him down to kiss her. Caroline didn’t know how to kiss, but she did know what she felt. She was hungry for his lips, his tongue. Kissing him was heady, and from the small grunt of approval Alexander let out, and the way his hands tightened at her waist, it seemed he felt the same effect.

She broke their kiss to find his confused gaze, and she held his eyes, undoing her bodice to reveal her breasts to him. Alexander’s eyes widened and he gasped when he saw what she was doing. His eyes flitted back up to hers in question.

“Let me help you… I want to… take your mind off these things,” she said, taking his hand to her breast.


Alexander felt every bit of restraint he had left snap. Her flesh was soft, just like he thought it would be, and he could still taste the whiskey from her kiss. Was it the alcohol? Was it his conflicted emotions? He did not know what it was, but he had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Caroline in that moment. He pulled her into his arms, squeezing the breasts she had so generously bared to him, and kissing her again. They were hot and heavy in his hands, and so was her breath. She was struggling, he could tell she had never kissed anyone before, but still, she was eagerly kissing him back, despite being out of breath. It was incredibly arousing.

He broke away from their kiss to look at her. She stared at him hungrily. Was it really the alcohol? This intensity was beyond the realms of anything he had felt before. It was almost feverish. He cupped her face in one hand and made her look at him.

“Breathe through your nose,” he directed, leaning close enough that their breath intermingled. “Don’t be afraid to take it slow as you taste me back.”

He closed the space between their lips again. Caroline was a fast learner. She was no longer out of breath and her tongue entwined with his, slowly, in a deep kiss that made his mind swirl. Before long, her back was pressed against the couch, and he could feel her hard nipples against his chest as he lay over her.

Alexander smiled against her lips as he felt her hands in his hair. Her legs had wrapped against his waist of their own accord. He broke their lip-lock again, extending his kisses to her neck and chest. “Open your mouth,” he murmured against her nipple. Caroline did as he said, and he slipped two fingers into it. She sucked on them involuntarily as he drew moans from her throat with his tongue on her nipples.

Drawing his fingers from her mouth, slick with her saliva, his hand found her sopping wet center. Caroline gasped and he raised himself so that he could look into her eyes while he entered her. “Let me know if it hurts.”

One finger first. He felt her clench around him in surprise and he kissed her, both to distract and calm, until he felt her begin to loosen, more of her juices pouring out unto his hand. The second finger. This time she gasped into his mouth and gripped his shirt at the collar. Before long, she was moaning and bucking against his hand.


Everything was new to Caroline, but she wanted more of it. Alexander was both gentle and intense. He demanded pleasure from her body and it had no choice but to succumb to his ministrations. All the hunger she felt toward him was growing. She was being fed, so she thought she would be satiated, but instead her hunger was growing with every touch. Her body was aflame, every inch of her skin felt alive, sending currents of pleasure to her brain.

“Alexander,” she moaned as her hips raised of their own accord, chasing his hand. Alexander looked down at her, his gaze heavy with lust and satisfaction at her reactions. He was enjoying himself; she could tell. He had made a total mess of her, and he hadn’t even taken off his clothes yet. The way he was staring at her made her feel like she was the only woman in the world. She felt so incredibly sensual. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but she felt no shame. Instead, she wanted to chase this glorious feeling. To bask in it. She gripped his shirtsleeves, pulling as though she wanted to rip the garment off his body. She was so wet now, that Alexander’s fingers slid in and out of her with a slippery consistency.

Sensing her impatience, Alexander withdrew his hand from her folds and to her utter shock, he licked his fingers clean. The sight sent a bolt of lightning right down on her head, frying her brain. She felt him lift her, and was surprised when he headed for the door.

“Wh—what are you doing?” She was completely naked! Why was he taking her outside? Alexander pressed a finger to his lips as he pulled her close. She was so small in his arms; it was quite comforting. Still, she could feel a breeze on her bare buttocks as he stepped into the hallway.

“I cannot allow our first time together to be on a chaise lounge. Let’s go to bed, so be quiet for a bit,” he whispered to her as he began tiptoeing through the hallway. Caroline could not help the giddy excitement at what they were doing. It reminded her of the joke her sister had made that Alexander might enjoy gallivanting around his estate in the nude. A giggle escaped her lips and she quickly smothered it with her hands.

Goodness, I am rather drunk, am I not? Mother would faint if she saw this!

Alexander finally made it to his bedroom, and he hurriedly shut the door behind him. “Thank goodness we made it without incident. That could have been scandalous.” He chuckled as he carried her over to his bed. He went around the side to lay her down and she giggled. They were certainly drunk. She wondered if either of them would do something so risky when sober.

Alexander’s gaze held the same heat as before as he looked at her. “You are so beautiful, Caroline,” he said.

The playfulness from just moments earlier was gone, and she was caught in his spell as he moved away from her. His movements were slow and deliberate. He was undressing at the foot of the bed, and she was spellbound by the way his muscles looked in the candlelight. He looked like he was carved out of stone and brought to life.

He was absolutely gorgeous. It was simply insane how attractive he was. His confidence as he climbed into bed with her made it even more potent. She was barely holding on to her senses as he positioned himself between her legs, kissing her calves as he raised them. His eyes felt like molten lava against her skin as he looked down at her. “I will be slow. It might hurt.”

She did not understand what he meant at first, but the next moment, she felt the hot hardness of him prodding her small opening, and then she did. At first it wasn’t painful, just arousing as he rubbed his hands up and down her legs, but then he pressed his hips against hers and breached her wetness. She let out a sharp hiss. It was only a little bit of him, but it was still much larger than his fingers had been. The sting it brought was surprising and foreign, but it subsided quickly as her slippery walls accepted him.

It seemed harder for Alexander however, his forehead was scrunched in focus and his eyes were glued to hers. It looked as though he was holding back with all his might. He let her legs down and leaned forward to loom over her. Resting on his elbows, he gave her his hand. Pressing the side of his palm against her lips he said, “Bite down if it hurts.”

Caroline listened and bit him. He pressed kisses against her neck as he began to move his hips again, sinking into her slowly. It felt hot, like a thick, hot rod was sliding into her. That heat, as Alexander moved slowly, soon gave way to a fierce pleasure from her opening being stretched, and she began to leak juices again, soaking the length of him when he was finally buried inside her.
