Page 23 of Room Twenty-Nine

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It felt really good to walk towards the door and leave him behind. Chantelle didn’t think it would take much for her lawyer to get the signature needed.

That was one thing on her list ticked off and dealt with. Now she had something else to focus on. Back in New York.

She could only hope the guys wanted to see her.


Matt checked his phonefor the fifth time in ten minutes. Still nothing from Chantelle. It was like she had vanished completely.

She was ghosting them. There was no doubt in his mind now. Chantelle was putting space between them and pretending it didn’t happen. Her car was still in their garage while Cedric worked on it, but she hadn’t even called to ask about the car. Did she even want it back anymore?

Cedric came into the living room, wiping his forehead with his bandana.

“That’s her car pretty much fixed. When she’s prepared to talk to us, she can come and pick it up.”

Darren barely looked away from the TV, the baseball blaring enough to make Matt’s eardrums vibrate.

“You really think she’s going to come back for it? It’s been three days.”

“I had to find something to do. There’s only so much baseball I can take at such a loud volume before I go mad.”

Darren grunted.

“I need something to stop me remembering that night. Watching mindless stuff is the only way to drown out everything I heard that night.” He shot a glare at Matt. “Like hearing my best mate tell the woman we’ve just had incredible sex that he loved her.”

Matt scowled.

“I didn’t mean to say it.”

“How can you not mean to say you love her?”

Matt growled. He hated that Darren kept bringing this up. But he hadn’t been able to stop himself. After seeing Chantelle get pleasured by all of them and get off seeing herself having sex, he knew what he felt for her was stronger than he anticipated.

He loved her. And he meant it.

And that was probably what had made Chantelle run. She had only been having some fun with them, and then Matt made it more intimate than it already was.

“It just came out. You two can’t say to me seriously that you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

“Tell her that I loved her when it’s not the time to say it?” Darren hesitated, then he glanced away. “You got there before I did.”

Cedric sighed and leaned against the couch with his head down.

“How is it that we all find ourselves in love after finding the perfect woman, and she happens to be the same woman? I’ve heard about sharing, but this is going too far.”

Matt had been trying to get his head around it since Chantelle vanished. He had thought sharing her just once with his friends would be an experience, and he got an opportunity to touch her as he wanted. But now it had happened, and the thought of his friends having Chantelle solely for themselves sat really badly with him.

“I know this much.” He looked from Cedric to Darren. “You guys are my best friends, but I’m not giving Chantelle up for anyone, not even you two.”

“Same here.” Cedric didn’t look away. “It would be too painful to see her with you or Darren and I can’t have her myself.”

“I’m with you there.” Darren rubbed his hand across his jaw. He had shaved lately, so looking at him without any facial hair was strange. “But it’s too much for all of us to be with her. I doubt Chantelle would go for it.”

That was the problem. Chantelle had been freaked out by three of them after one night. To have it as a long-term relationship? While that would be like a dream come true, Matt couldn’t see Chantelle agreeing to it, either.

They were all going to end up with broken hearts, no matter what happened.

One night of pure ecstasy had turned into an aftermath of pain.
