Page 68 of Please Daddy

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I hit send, knowing how excited Violet’s going to be, wondering if I’m alluding to a real relationship with Finn. I can’t help myself from even wondering if she kind of wanted to matchmake the two of us in the first place.

Maybe evenPopswanted me to end up with him.

It’s a strange thought, that I had my father’s blessing to marry a man before I’d even met the guy myself, but it feels weirdly good.

If Finn wants to see more of me, to find a way to make things work, in spite of everything we’ve been through together, then I’ll have my whole family cheering from the sidelines.

I should call Sadie soon. Make sure she’s okay. And we have so much to catch up on. I probably won’t tell hereverythingthough. Sadie doesn’t need to know about how close a call she had with a couple of hardened criminals. Not when those guys are out of the picture now.

When I get to the top, to the watchtower, I don’t stop walking. I head up the steps and go in.

Good old Finn, always forgetting to lock doors wherever he goes. I guess most of the time he’s been here he’s barely had a single visitor — except for my sister. He’s never had any need to close doors.

It’s strange to be back in the watchtower again, but this time on my own, with sunshine all around me. I go over to the far window and sit down on the bench. There’s a book lying splayed open on the bench beside me. I take a look at the cover.

It’s a cookbook.Perfect Pancakesis the title. I can’t help but smile. I wonder if he’s been studying this book especially for me. Hehasmade them twice for me since I arrived. Perhaps he’s been trying to make a good impression on me from the very start. It’s sweet to think of a guy as big and gruff as Finn having a soft side. But I think he’s shown that hedoeshave one. Even if it’s mixed in with awhole lotta hardness.

I look out at the view of the beautiful Colorado countryside. When I first arrived at my sister’s, I was really missing New York. But now that I’ve been back in Colorado a while, I really feel like I’ve come home. I may not have lived out here in the Rockies as a kid, but they were always close by, and a place we traveled to at weekends or for special treats. I can practically feel my father’s spirit resting peacefully in a place like this. And my mother’s too.

Back in New York, life was so hectic. And, much as I love designing and making clothes, I’m not really interested in getting involved in all the bitchiness of the industry close-up, and all the drama of the ABDL scene. I love being an ABDL, obviously, but I’m perfectly happy to do it in private. I don’t need to attend parties or clubs or anything like that. I don’t need a community. Just a Daddy.

No. I’d much rather live in a place like this, wearing my diapers and playing and feeling inspired. And making my cute clothes surrounded by nature and tranquility, perhaps only traveling to big cities for catwalk shows or networking events. Even then… I could probably live without those, too. After all, my business was run entirely online before, and it suited me like that.

All I’d need to do is set up a new Etsy account. ForgetAddyBaby 97, my old persona. She was just practice for the real deal. I can give myself a new name now.Wild Baby.Or even…Wilder & Wilder. Or how about this?Little Mrs. Wilder…

I smile, looking at sunkissed treetops and soaring birds of prey, and I feel so warm and safe and happy that my eyes begin to grow heavy. After today’s crazy action, and sleeping badly on the sofa last night, Icoulduse a little sleep right now…


‘Dee. Wake up, darlin’.’

I yawn, opening my eyes, and look up at him.

‘Whoopsie,’ I say. ‘Silly DeeDee’s been snoozing. What time is it?’

Finn chuckles. ‘You cutie. I thought I might find you here, but I didn’t think you’d fall asleep after all that excitement. You look all snuggly there, though.’

‘Someone wore me out earlier,’ I say, biting my lip provocatively.

‘I’m just glad you’ve been getting some rest,’ Finn says, giving me a knowing look. ‘Building up your strength… ready for tonight.’

‘What about you, Daddy?’ I ask. ‘Aren’tyouworn out? You barely slept last night.’

‘Darlin’, until I’ve done what I’ve got in mind to you, I won’t sleep a wink.’

I blush. ‘Well, why don’t you take a step closer then, Mister?’

‘Don’t you want to hear about what I’ve been up to while you’ve been catching zees? You’ve been napping for three hours.’

Three hours? Dang. But even though Idowant to hear about what’s been going on, there’s something more important than that I want to do first.

‘Why don’t you tell me all about it when you’ve had a chance to… relax a little, Daddy?’ I ask.

‘You know what,’ he says, a smile on his face, ‘I actually thoughtyoumight want to relax a little. I’ve got a couple coloring books — something I’ve had stowed away for quite some time, in the hope I’d meet someone like you one day… I thought you might want to unwind, to do some coloring while I work. I’m acutely aware that pretty much since the moment you arrived here, things have been crazy. Severed heads, gunfights, fires and storms. You haven’t had any time to just be yourself. Be Little. Play. What do you say?’

As he speaks, I feel a warmth spreading through me that’s familiar, yet distant. So much adrenaline has been pumping through my veins that he’s right — I’ve been in fight or flight mode for days. The fact that he’s brought coloring books for me — it’s the sweetest thing. And so welcome too. I haven’t just let down my hair and properlyplayedin ages.

‘That would be nice,’ I nod, noticing what else Finn has brought up here with him. ‘Gonna need to change my diaper first, though.’

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