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“Enter,” I said. I expected to see Eleanor; instead it was Emeline’s head that poked inside and she looked directly at her father.

“Now?” she asked.

Evander’s face was hard to read as he quickly moved over to her.

“Did we not say lunch?” he asked her.

“That is now,” she replied.

“I meant while at lunch. When we eat.”

“What is it?” I asked, not liking how I was utterly at a loss to their conversation. They both turned their heads to me.

“We can wait till after you finish your letter,” Evander said.

“Later. What is going on?” I asked. “Have you been plotting something without me?”

Emeline nodded and Evander shook his head.

“I see. Well, no good plot is ever done without me,” I said, rising from my chair.

“Since when?” Evander’s eyebrow rose.

“Now. Emeline, will you tell me?” I stretched out my hand to her and she came quickly. I noticed the box in her hands. “What is this?”

“Papa and I bought it for you.” She lifted it up for me to see.

“Me?” I looked to Evander, but he just smiled and nodded for me to open it. Doing so revealed a pair of silk gloves embroidered with roses. “They are beautiful, thank you.”

“Papa gave me the same ones.” Emeline stared up at me for a moment before adding, “So…now we will look the same in town, Mama.”

My heart stopped. That word echoed in my mind. Slowly, I glanced up at Evander, but I could not see him clearly on account of the blurriness of my vision. Though I did notice him nodding at me. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I bent down before Emeline, brushing her curls gently.

“How marvelous, sweetheart,” I tried not to cry as I looked over her face. “I love them dearly, and we must wear them at once for all to see.”

“Right now?” she asked with a grin.

“Of course. My daughter gave me gloves; everyone must see them!”

“Let me get mine, Mama!” she said and rushed to the door. I’d teach her not to run later; today she could do whatever she pleased.

“She wanted to say it for a while now, but was a bit nervous,” Evander said. “I thought we’d agreed to do it over a picnic, but as you see, she could not wait a second longer.”

It was one word.

“Are you that happy?” he asked as a tear fell from my eye.

It was one little word but it meant more to me than any philosopher or writer in the world.

“Madly so.”
