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“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it’s all right. I do not wish your mother to say I took you away.”

There were very few times I could be alone, and I wished to enjoy it. It was a small pleasure and reminded me of how I would sneak off to walk through the woods on our family’s estate. Should my father or mother ever know, I would be strung up by my ears. But it seemed ridiculous to me that a woman was not even allowed to walk on her own. We were not children, despite how they all seemed to treat us. If only I had a good book, I would find an excellent tree to sit underneath, maybe with treats.

Oh, how small and simple my desires were.

“Ahh…Ahh…” I heard someone cry out from within the bushes.

Was someone injured?

Just as I was about to call out to whomever it was, I saw them.

Well, I could not really see them, nor did I think they could see me.

There among the bushes were a woman and a man doing what was beyond anything I had secretly read in books. Her dress bunched around her waist, her breasts exposed to the air, and he, like some beast, was above her. I had half a mind to think he was hurting her, but her face did not look like that of a woman in pain. She was…joyful. It was lewd, it was sinful, it was against all morality and propriety, yet I could not look away. I watched as he kissed her neck, and then sucked on her breast as a babe would. How perverse! Like animals, they grunted and groaned.

Look away! I shouted to myself.

I did not. The more I watched, the warmer I felt. My breath…heavy. My body…strange. What was the matter with me? Was whatever had possessed the two of them now infecting me? The woman’s face—never had I seen such an expression before.

I touched my neck, and it burned. What was I feeling?

I was mesmerized and had just leaned in to examine more closely when I felt large arms around me, yanking me back. It happened so quickly that I did not have time to scream. Before I knew it, I was farther away, and when I turned to find my attacker, I was met with the angry eyes of Evander.

“What on earth are you doing?” I gasped trying to stand upright.

“It is I who should be asking you such a question!” he said angrily. “Aphrodite, have you gone mad?”

“I beg your pardon!” I cried out. “I am perfectly sane!”

“The sane do not watch others…in such a manner,” he replied. “Look at yourself.”

I glanced down at my body, but I did not see anything amiss. “What?”

“Can you not see you are aroused?”

“As from slumber?” I asked.

“Dear God, help me.” He put his hand on his head, taking a deep breath as he stepped away. Then he moved back, still upset. “I know you to be an inquisitive one, Aphrodite, but this is no way to learn!”

“I do not know what you are talking about, but you will stop speaking to me like this!”

He stared at me for a long time, inhaling through his nose. “Forgive me.”

I nodded. “Now explain.”

“I shall not!” he said. “Rather, you explain what you were doing.”

“I do not need to explain anything to you. I merely came out for fresh air.”

“Well, it was not air that you took in.”

“Then what was I taking in?”

“One day, you shall learn from your husband, not from rogues among the shrubbery!”

“Why must I wait for a husband to teach me?”
