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“It would be my honor if I could have your first dance.”

His offer hurt, and the disappointment hurt. Once again, Evander had given me hope, only to fail.

“Of course,” I said, giving him my hand.

As if fate wished to mock me, that was the moment Evander entered the room. I looked away and allowed Tristian to lead me to the center of the dance floor.



His eyes were upon her like a starving man before a feast. All of him disheveled and distraught. When he took a step toward her, I was already before him, blocking his path.

“You are too late,” I said.


“I will not. And you will mind yourself, for you are in my home,” I reminded him. “You have no right to come here and cause a scene when you are the one who failed to show.”

“I was…” He stopped and looked down, breathing in through his nose. “I must speak with her. I must explain.”

“I said no,” I replied and grabbed his arm. He hissed in pain and I felt the dampness of his coat, lifting my hand to see blood. “What in God’s name?” I leaned closer to see the blood now spilling down his hand. “You are injured. We shall call fora—”

“Say nothing!” he snapped and stepped back. He glanced once more at my sister before taking his leave.

“Is everything all right?” Silva asked as she came to my side. “Why are you bleeding?”

“It is not mine,” I whispered, hiding my hand. “Remain here.”


“Later,” I said before rushing out the door.

The fool cannot possibly be thinking of riding home alone in the dark while injured. I watched him lift himself onto his horse and take off into the night.

Shit. Shit! Do not get involved…I ought not to get involved. Really. Damn that man!

“Sir, I will need to borrow your horse! Forgive me,” I said to the first gentleman I saw dismount. I did not even wait for his reply.

Kicking the horse, I went as fast as I could, feeling the wind push against me. It was dark but not so much that I was unable to make way.

It took all of ten minutes before I caught up with the madman, which was proof enough there was something amiss, for he had always been the better rider between us. His figure hunched, and his horse slowed before he slumped from the animal’s back.

“Evander!” I hollered, coming up on his left side, gripping him before he fell. “Are you a fool?”

“Leave me be!” he hollered, trying to steady himself.

“I will not. Should you die, my mother would blame me.” Not to mention Aphrodite.

He chuckled, lifting his head as he struggled for air. “I am her favorite between us.”

“Oh, shut up!” I snapped, rolling my eyes. “Can you still ride? We need to get you home and seen quickly, or I can go back—”

“So you still do care, bro—”

“Do not,” I cut him off. “I am merely acting as a Good Samaritan for a mentally challenged man.”

“You believe me to be mentally challenged?”
