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I glowered, turning to him. “Am I not the innocent?”

“You are, but not more than he.”

“You are becoming less fun to talk to, Damon,” I snapped, marching around him. “All of you, casting me in roles I do not wish, demanding I act when I have no desire, directing me here and there. Making me into a cold heart!”

“That is not what—”

“Is it truly wrong to want something else? If it was easy to simply want what was practical or logical, what others expected, do you not think I would? What moves me is what moves me! Whom I like is whom I like! Whether that person is reliable or not…it is whom I like.”

“Of whom are we speaking exactly?” he questioned.

I paused, taking in the air. “No one.”

“Are you certain?”

“Please do not lecture me any more, you have already made yourself clear. You were correct the night of the ball. He is—”

“I was not completely right.”


“I still do not think him worthy or suitable for you, but that night, he went through hell to arrive for you, only he was just too late.”

“I do not understand.” But then I did not want to find another reason to keep excusing him. “It doesn’t matter, for even if he did try that night, he still failed to show today.”

“What do you mean?”

“I wrote him a letter telling…telling him to come to me. He did not respond—”

“For the love of God.” He sighed, hanging his head. “I do not know if you are both fated or cursed! Or why I must now be in the middle of it!”

“In the middle of what?”

He stared at me, jaw clenched and expression tight.


“Bloody…” he stopped himself. “He did not arrive on time to the ball because he was injured.”

“What? How?”

“I do not know, but it was quite serious, which was why I followed him back to his home and did not return till morning. And because he is a stubborn mule, he did not take medicine as the doctor prescribed and got worse.”

“He is—”

“He is better now. However, I do not believe he is aware of the letter yet, Odite.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Do you now see the ill fate in this?”

“I need to see him.”


I grabbed his arm and started to run, and, as if my actions angered the heavens, the skies darkened and rain fell.

“Odite, we need to—”

“I am sick of the confusion and the misunderstandings! Ishall see him at once!” I hollered, pulling Damon to run withme.

The whole of the queen’s garden party scattered as they sought protection from the rain. I saw my father calling to us, but I would not be stopped, running to where Damon’s carriage would be.
