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“You do not give much comfort or confidence, Doctor,” I said.

“Nightmares are rooted in other issues. That being said, medicine can ease a person’s fear and anxiety as they deal with whatever it is.”

That was the problem. Verity never wanted to talk about all the things she’d dealt with while I was away. I do not know why I’d believed our father would watch over her. He had not cared for our mother. He cared only that I was his heir. What was Verity to him? I should have known that.

“Your Grace—”

Knock. Knock.

“Enter.” I turned to find my sister had come in with a maid, holding a tray of soup and bread.

She looked between us, confused. “Are you finished? Is he better?”


“Some. Not much,” Dr. Darrington replied sternly. “If that is all, I must go check on my other patients.”

“You do not wish to eat? I had the maid—”

“No, thank you, my lady. Good day.” He nodded at me then Verity before walking out of the room.

“I do not know if I like him.” Verity frowned, glaring at the door. “He is not very amiable. Comes in, demanding to see you, then waltzes out swiftly.”

“He is a working man, Verity,” I replied, putting on my coat and going to the mirror. “If he spent time conversing with everyone, he would never see his patients.”

“We are not everyone. You are a duke. One would think he would be more…”

“Amiable?” I repeated her word as I tied my tie.

“Oh, forget about the doctor. What happened with Aphrodite?” She smiled, skipping next to me.

“What do you mean?” I replied as she leaned in, her grin wide and eyebrows raised. Such a nosy one. “Nothing happened.”

“Everything happened! She came here. You both spoke, correct? She stayed. And now you are getting dressed to see her.”

“How do you know I am going to see her?”

“Because you are happy.”

I glanced down at her, and she lifted her head in defiance, daring me to disagree. I sighed and nodded. “It is still…unclear.”

“Go clarify then.”

“That is what I am seeking to do, but someone is distracting me.” I reached up, poking her forehead to push her away.

“Fine, I will knit or read or do something boring as all ladies are supposed to do while you go out and have fun in the world. All after I spent the last four days nursing you back tohealth. It is almost as if I did not come out this season at all.”

Dear God. Could she apply any more guilt?

“I will not take you to their home. It is serious, Verity. But there is a ball tonight, and I shall accompany you.”

“I am tired of balls.”

“You have yet to reach your peak, and you are bored? Is that not the point of coming out? What else is there to look forward to?”

“Yes, of course. What else could there possibly be for a lady than a ball.” She sighed and started to leave.

“Why do I sense you are mocking me?” I called out to her, but she was already gone. I did not wish to be distracted. At least not at this moment. I still had too much to do today.
