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“And how is’t we’ve yet to see Mrs Hartwell.”

Heat flooded my cheeks as I fought to remember he did not know my mother or the type of alpha she was.

“Hit a nerve, have I?” he asked. Naturally he would not have missed my reaction. “Never mind that. We’ve discussed it. You’ll have more freedoms from now on. And your pick of lovers should you need them.”

“I’ll not have you or Puck interfering.”

“Naturally. Good evening, Miss Hartwell.” He bowed himself out. A mockery of a courtier leaving their monarch. It almost put me into a better humour until he stood and at the last moment, a lazy smirk turning him into the very devil. “In the future, I’ll find you pretty jewels to hang from those rings through your nipples.”

He slammed and bolted the door, leaving me standing in the centre of the room. Leaving me too stunned to speak.



“You will kindly join us for dinner.” Puck remained in the hall.

Oh, how I wanted to lash out! But to do so would make me appear like a wounded animal. “Not kindly, but under duress.”

“As you will. Oberon mentioned you, uh, threw out all your clothes.” He tossed a bundle of clothes into the room and stood, arms crossed. My cheeks heated. I had, dammit. Rash. So rash. “Get dressed, Polly.”

Uncurling myself from the mound of sheets and pillows, I set first one and then the other foot out of the cage’s open door. I brazened his hot stare as he his eyes raked along my body taking in each mark Conny had left on my skin until at last his gaze rested on my mate gland. My hand itched to cover it, shielding the mark of my designation from the alpha who left my head spinning. At once tender and aggressive. His emotions were too similar to mine as if we were one person.

The material was a fine silk wrapper with a long knotted fringe and folded within it a negligee made of fabric so fine I could see through it. I dropped the clothes onto the floor. “These aren’t decent I you want to parade me through the Hell.”

Under his gaze, my breasts felt heavy. To better hide my reaction, I grabbed the wrap and held it to my front.

“After what’s happened I didn’t take you for a prude.” He took his bottom lip between his teeth. Not a coy look but rather he appeared to prevent himself from smiling.

“Cold. Shivering from how draughty this place is.” And to prove some point to myself, I slipped the chemise over my head. The fine lawn teased my nipples and the sensitive skin. Hells, my piercings were clearly visible through the spider-silk thin material. “Do you like what you see?”

He muttered something in his mother tongue and, draping the shawl around my shoulders—covering more of my nakedness—, led me through the residency.

“You don’t think I’ll hurt you?” I asked.

His scent thickened with arousal and I wondered if he incorporated pain into sex. “I think you are too curious a cat not to see where I am taking you.”

“I scratch and bite like a cat as well.”

He threw a grin over his shoulder. “I’m counting on it, kitten.”

I didn’t have time to reply because he was opening a door, leaving me to hesitate on the threshold. Did I go in? Did I leave?

Did I hate him for knowing I was too curious for my own good? More, I was too heedless of my own safety and knew myself capable enough to slice an alpha open with any weapon that could come to hand. Even two alphas did not scare me as much as the fear Puck understood me.

The residency’s dining room was small, intimate, and overwhelming because there were two more alphas. Oberon I expected. He sat in a high-backed chair with his legs stretched out before him and crossed at the ankle. He was dressed in nothing but a heavily brocaded dressing gown, tied loosely at the waist, and a pair of breeches. His feet were bare and I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the high arch.

They say an alpha’s knot fits is proportionate to how high the arch of his foot is, my traitorous mind supplied. And damn me but I could not remember—and did not want to!—what his knot had looked like the last night.

A growl snapped me out of the reverie, and I had to confront the other alpha.

Jude was naked with his hands tied behind his back as he knelt next to Oberon’s chair. I blamed my recent heat flash for the way my eyes flicked over his broad chest and down to where his cock sat between his slightly spread legs. He was hard. Oh goddess, he was so hard that a pearl of precum glistened at the tip. And all while he knelt for an alpha he could beat in a fair fight. Had nearly throttled.

“What is he doing here?” I hissed all too aware of the way my stomach rolled at the thought of spending any more time with the three of them.

“Jude must eat as well,” Oberon said as he ran his fingers through Jude’s hair.

“Naked? Kneeling?”
