Page 9 of Security Breach

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He felt a little bad asking because she was probably tired of rehashing her life struggles but not entirely sorry. If he was going to do everything possible to keep her safe, he needed to know. There was no other way.

“So, have you ever seen the movie The Sixth Sense?”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? You mean the kid that sees dead people?”

“Yeah exactly. So, I don’t see dead people but I do see things.”

“How do you mean?”

“I’m not exactly sure how it works. I can’t make them appear; it just happens randomly.”

“You saw a vision outside when you touched the tree didn’t you?”

She got quiet. He knew he was right.

“Brooklyn listen, I’m sorry for asking but I need to know what I’m up against. It’s the only way I can help keep you safe.”

“I saw someone in dark clothes creeping around the house. I couldn’t see a face but he looked in one of the back windows, then went to the patio doors. I guess they weren’t locked because he slid it right open and walked in. I have no idea when it happened or happens but the house was dark. Then I woke up.”

He thought for a minute.

If she didn’t know when, then it could have happened already, or it was going to happen at some point in the future. It also didn’t help that she couldn’t see a face. So, either way, he didn’t feel that he could leave her alone tonight.

“Can you tell me a little about your visions? What I mean by that is, when you have had them in the past, do you know if the events hadn’t happened yet or were you seeing something from the past.”

“I think I could say confidently that the visions have always been a precursor. I’ve always taken them as warnings of something to come.”

“Okay, so we can probably say that what you saw tonight will happen at some point in the near future. I can guarantee though that when it does, we’ll be ready for it.”

“Do you think we should even stay here?”

“Yes, but I probably won’t sleep. My partner is working on making sure all the security features are connected and running smoothly. You said the house was dark in your vision so I’m guessing it’ll happen during the middle of the night so I’ll be ready just in case.”

“Do you have to stay out here? I don’t exactly want to be alone, knowing something could happen.”

“I could be in there to watch over you if that’d make you feel better?”

“It would. Thank you. I’m going to clean up the rest of the kitchen then I think I’ll just go to bed. The visions wear me out.”

Once she’d gone into the other room, Wyatt sent a text to Dane, following up to make sure everything was in place. The message he’d gotten in return wasn’t expected but very long. Dane found out from The Phoenix Agency that Brooklyn’s ex-husband wasn’t really anybody important. He had no record. The system flagged nothing. In layman’s terms, he was a deadbeat ex that couldn’t let go. If he couldn’t have her then no one could. But sometimes, those were the most dangerous.

Before she turned in for the night, he would go around the house to make sure everything was locked down and secure. Sounded like the guy just needed to be caught and put in jail.

He let her get settled in her bedroom first before he would join her. It was kind of an awkward situation but at the same time not, because it felt like they’d known each other for years. The comfort level was easy between them. He knocked, and only entered after she invited him to.

“Didn’t take you long to get comfortable.”

He smirked at the sight. She was presumably in pajamas but had the blankets up to her chin and looked very comfortable.

“I’m pretty tired. You can take the other side of the bed.”

“No need, I’ll sit in the chair. You just get some sleep.”

He pointed across the room to the overstuffed chair she had situated in the corner of the room.

“Listen. The security is on, I’ve seen you double check the windows and doors more than once. You deserve some sleep too.”

“Too bad I didn’t have my dog with me. Then we’d be set.”
