Page 77 of Cruise Control

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“Park loves his surprises. I did tell you guys to call me, you’ll remember. You’ve only got me for the night, it was hell getting a Saturday off. So we have to get going,” he explained, clapping his hands and putting his bag on the untouched bed. Paige and Parker glanced at each other, both looking surprised.

“Where are we going?” Parker asked. Joey held up a hand.

“Oh, not you. She.Sheand I are going. You stay here and take a cold shower. We’ll be back,” Joey said, grabbing Paige’s hand and yanking her through the room. She managed to grab her purse on the way.

“Where are we going?” she asked as they went through the doorway. She looked behind her to see Parker waving. She waved back as the door swung shut.

“Shopping. I've only ever seen you in shorts and that tiny skirt – but those leggings are new to me! We’re going to find you a dress,” he replied.

“A dress?” she echoed. He rolled his eyes.

“Yes, a dress. A hot dress. The hotter the better. We’re gonna make Parker lose his damn mind,” Joey explained as they got in the elevator. Paige frowned.

“Joey, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly rich. I've been taking complete advantage of Parker for most of this road trip,” she tried to tell him but he waved his hands in her face.

“Nope! Say no more! I already have it all taken care of! My ‘friend' – the one I wanted you guys to go on the boat with? Well, just think of him as my sugar daddy, and my sugar daddy would like to buy you a smoking hot, make-Parker-insane, dress,” Joey told her. Paige laughed.

“Parker’s already crazy, why do you think he’s hung around so long,” she replied. Joey shook his head.

“No, I’m talking really crazy. Like crazy enough to tie your ass up and check you on a flight to Seattle as his carry-on bag,” he said. Paige laughed all the way through the casino.


SHE VETOED MOST OFJoey’s choices for dresses, explaining that she was neither stupid nor a whore. He'd thrown up his hands in disgust and finally left her with the instructions to just get something that looked better than her damn skirt. She finally found an incredibly tight dress that was made of bands of fabric running across her body. It yanked her boobs up into almost a shelf, but in a good way. She loved it immediately, but almost puked when she saw the price tag.

“Oh my god,” she breathed. Joey poked his head in the dressing room.

“What? Oh, that is fantastic, we are getting it,” he said, barging all the way into the little room. Her hand that held the price tag started to shake.

“Joey, we cannot get this. This dress costs more money than I've ever had to my name at one time,” she stressed. He growled and spun her around, yanking down the zipper on the dress.

“Would you just shut up? I know you’re a simple girl and all that, but sometimes you just gotta treat yourself,” he instructed, peeling the dress off her.

“But where else am I going to wear it, Joey? I can’t have a dress like that crumpled into a ball in the bottom of my backpack,” she pointed out, stepping out of it when he got to the floor.

“Well, it won’t be crumpled into a ball. It’ll be hanging up in Park’s closet in his condo in Seattle. That was easy. And you were right, your ass is almost non-existent,” he commented before slipping out through the curtain.

“Joey!” she hissed, poking her head out after him, using the curtain to shield her half naked body. But he was already at the counter, handing the dress over to the sales lady. Paige hurried back into her leggings and t-shirt and shoes, trying to beat him before he made the purchase. But when she got out onto the sales floor, he was standing by the door, a bag swinging in his hands

“We still have to get shoes, you know,” he warned her before walking out of the store.

“Joey! There are families that could live for months off the cost of that dress!” she snapped, thinking of her own. He handed her the shopping bag.

“The man who paid for this works hard for his money, so he can spend it however he wants – luckily, he wants to spend it on me. Here!” he said, and literally shoved her into the next shop.

Having learned from the dress shopping incident, she pretty much just let him shop for her. She just held out a foot whenever he had a salesperson bring another shoe. He finally picked out a pair he loved – black, with a towering heel that would make her freakishly tall, she argued. He didn’t listen and soon she was behind him again, this time holding two bags.

“So what exactly are we doing tonight?” Paige asked. Joey waved a hand in the air, something he was prone to doing.

“Dinner somewhere fancy shmancy. Maybe a show, maybe a nightclub. Park wasn’t specific, just said what days you guys were gonna be here, and I made it my business to be here,” was Joey’s reply.

“I didn’t even know he'd called you.”

“No offense, sweetie, but you’re kind of oblivious to most things Park. Now what should we do with your hair?” he wondered out loud, giving her a sidelong look.

“Joey,” she growled.

He just smiled evilly
