Page 63 of The Edge of Falling

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She didn't sound that happy about that.

"Don't worry, Alice. I'm not going to make you work at McDonald's or something."

"I mean, I don't mind if that's what we have to do to…"

"No! I did not make you leave your parents' beautiful home on Midnight Pass near the beach in Sarasota to come and sleep on a couch or an air mattress and work at McDonald's."

She giggled.

"Well, when you put it like that. That does sound kind of shitty."

"I know, but I think we have a real shot at some of the jobs I circled."

"Oh yeah? What are the jobs?"

"Well, one of the jobs I've seen is for an assistant."

"Okay, I guess I could be an assistant."

"Another one I've seen is to be a hostess at an exclusive club."

"Ooo. That sounds cool, and it doesn't sound like it'd be too much work. I mean, when you're a hostess, all you have to do is greet people, right?"

Alice sounded enthusiastic.

"That's exactly what I was thinking! And it said it starts at a hundred grand a year."

"What?!" She sounded doubtful.

"How does a hostess job start at a hundred grand a year?"

"We're in New York, Alice. Or at least, I'm in New York, and you'll be here soon. They make huge money here. It's probably some fancy-dancy steak restaurant where people pay like a thousand dollars for a ribeye."

"People pay a thousand dollars for a ribeye? It's like twenty-two dollars at Publix."

"How do you know exactly how much a ribeye costs at Publix?" I laughed.

"Because I went with my parents yesterday, and we bought steaks. And my dad was complaining about how 'steaks were now twenty-two dollars a pop.'"

"Well, tell him not to complain." I giggled. "If he came to New York, he'd be paying a thousand dollars."

"Oh, Rosalie!" Alice started laughing. "No way I'm going to tell my dad that. My parents are still very uncomfortable with me moving to New York, but I told them I'm and adult, and I'm going to do what I want."

"Wow. What did your mom and dad say to that?"

"They actually looked kind of proud. They’re going to give me a thousand dollars because I told them that's what your parents gave you."

"Oh, cool."

"Yeah, I was surprised because I didn't think they'd give me anything."

"I knew they wouldn't be that cheap," I said.

"Yeah, but they told me it's time to grow up, and it's time to figure out my path and that they hoped that…"

She paused.

"They hoped that what?" I asked curiously.
