Page 16 of Summer Muse

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When Kat pins my girl with a look, I already know what’s coming and I try to hide my smile. “I understand you have a degree in communications.”

Calli’s mouth hangs open in surprise and her eyebrows come together. “How do you know that?”

Kat shoots her a sheepish look. “It’s protocol for me to have a background check run on the people who come into the lives of our artists. I didn’t share any of the information, but it was necessary.” Her eyebrows pull together as she frowns. “I’m sorry.”

Calli blows out a breath and waves her hands dismissively. “It’s okay, I get it. I’m sure it can’t be easy to keep all these artists in line and worry about who they come across as well. There are far too many users out there.”

Kat grins at her and nods. “It’s unfortunate but true. I had a good feeling about you. I was on the phone with Lane when he saw you for the first time and I swear I could feel the electricity down the line.”

“Aww,” Booker holds out the word for an unnecessary and embarrassing amount of time.

I flip him off as Kat shoots him an aggravated look before she turns to my girl. “You’d be an asset here at WPF Records. Will you think about it?”

Calli scoffs, “Think about it?” She looks at me, her eyes filled with so much hope and I give her hand a squeeze. When she turns back to Kat, her voice is bright and sure. “I’ll do whatever you need me to, all I ask is that I’m able to go with Lane on tour when it’s time.”

Cole barks out a laugh. “I knew I liked her.” He scratches his jaw, “Yeah, you’ll fit right in.”

Something settles inside my chest at his words. I wasn’t worried about it, not really. I knew Calli was perfect for me and the family, but to hear him say it makes it even more real. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.




My heart is beating so hard in my chest. I don’t even know why. It’s not like I’m getting out on stage tonight and performing in front of a stadium full of people. I should not be nervous, and I have no doubt that Lane is going to go out there and kill it.

I think I’m nervous because this is the first time the label is expecting me to get something done for them without them at my back. I’ve been working at WPF for eight months and it’s been amazing. Between the job and Lane, so many dreams of mine have come true.

I’ve worked in a few different departments, but my favorite is when I work with Kat in PR. It’s one of the many hats I’m wearing while out on tour. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t get himself into trouble, posting on social media, and am in charge of his wardrobe.

There’s not much to the wardrobe thing, mostly because Lane won’t let anyone dress him up to be something he’s not. Still, I can’t find his favorite pair of jeans, his lucky on-stage jeans.

I know I put them in the wardrobe suitcase and now they’re not here. Honestly, I’m kind of freaking out a little bit. The show isn’t for a few hours, but I’d still like to find them. They should be right here.

I groan as I go through the same bag I’ve gone through at least three different times, “What the fuck?”

“What’s going on, 007?” Lane’s voice from the doorway has me almost jumping out of my skin.

When I turn toward him, I notice he’s already wearing his pants even though he was just doing a sound check. I narrow my eyes at him and point to his pants. There’s an accusation in my voice, “Why are you wearing your jeans already? Shouldn’t you wait to put those on before the show?”

He scoffs and shakes his head before he starts to stride toward me. “They’re just jeans.”

I run my fingers through my hair, barely stopping myself from gripping the base of my strands and pulling. He has no idea I was in here freaking out because I thought I had lost his damn pants. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I know it’s only because I’m stressed the fuck out.

When his strong arms wrap around me and pull me to his chest, I melt against him, needing the comfort, needing the warmth. He kisses the top of my head and murmurs, “What’s going on with you?”

“I thought I lost them,” I admit with a whimper. “This is the first thing the label is trusting me to do all on my own and I don’t want to fuck it up. They took a chance on me, and they deserve my best.”

“Sweetheart,” he admonishes me, “they know they’re getting your best.” He cups my cheek and tilts my head up so I’m looking into his eyes. “You do realize how much they’re trusting you on this tour right? You’re practically the damn tour manager.”

I giggle, “It’s just because they think I’ll be able to wrangle you.”

He arches an eyebrow in challenge, “Can’t you?”

I twist my lips, “I hope so, but time will tell on that one.”

Lane gives my body a squeeze before he kisses me deeply. Then before I can think about it too much, he’s picking me up and my legs wrap around his waist as he presses me against the wall. The kiss is hot and heavy, just what I need.
