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“I mentioned going into his penthouse, but he changed the subject quickly,” I said. “He did say he wanted me at the airport at two pm because he has a surprise for me.”

“I wonder if our boys are up to something together.” Poppy chewed on her lip. “I hope he doesn’t want to fly back of bourke.”

“Just text him and let him know you’re not feeling well enough to travel outside of Paris for now,” I said. “Asher just messaged that I should wear my blue jeans and black t-shirt if I have one.”

“Do you have one?” Poppy asked.

“I have jeans, but not a black t-shirt. Odd that he would say specifically a black t-shirt,” I said, reaching for another slice of pizza. “If it’s a Valentine’s surprise, shouldn’t it be a red t-shirt?”

“You would think, but guys don’t think that way. Oh, I know, maybe he bought you a beautiful red ruby and diamond necklace and it will look the best on black,” Poppy said, standing to look out over the railing. “Or, he’s taking you on a night mission somewhere to find hidden treasure.”

“You’re getting to be a fruit loop, aren’t you?” I laughed and joined her at the railing. “I say let’s go out for ice cream or pastries.”

“I’d say you read my mind, but we’re getting both.” Poppy pulled me toward the elevator, picking up her big bag on the way.

“Are you leaving Lionel here?” I asked looking back to a sleeping Lionel.

“Lionel, we’re going for ice cream. Do you want to come with us?” Poppy called across the room to him as if he were a person.

To my utter surprise, he lifted his head, chattered at us, then stretched and went back to sleep.

“Fine, stay here and miss the delicious desserts,” Poppy said, hitting the down button, waving to Lionel. “Hooroo.”

We were talking about desserts as the doors were closing, when a giant hand punched through the narrow opening.

“Where might the two of you be going?” Gunner asked, looking at his watch. “It’s nine pm, not much will be open. Plus, Solitaire, you don’t go anywhere without me, for right now.”

“Spoil sport, we just want ice cream. Well actually, I need ice cream and pastries,” Poppy said, getting her cell out. “I’m calling the little café we like to ask them to wait for us.”

“That’s a bit pushy. What if they’re stuffed and want to go home?” I asked, feeling uncomfortable with that but as Poppy made the call anyway.

When she disconnected the call, she was all smiles. The owner was more than happy to wait for us, because Poppy had promised to financially make it worth their while.

“You see, Imogen, as a Hawthorne, doors open for you, but I always make it worth it for places if they go out of their way for me. Let’s go, you two. They agreed to wait, but I don’t want to leave them there for hours.”

“I still need to get a black t-shirt. Where should we get that?” I asked, hoping she could work her magic again and call a shop.

“I’ll call the designer I use when I’m here. She will still be in her shop at this hour.” Poppy brushed it off like it was nothing. “Anything else you need from her? What about a few shorts and a new dress for Valentine’s Day?”

“We can’t make her stay there later than she already is. Just the t-shirt will be good,” I said. “Well actually, I don’t have a dress for Valentine’s Day.”

“Me either, and this tummy is starting to puff a little. Let me tell her we’ll be there in about thirty minutes.” Poppy let out a low chuckle. “I need ice cream first.”

We exited the hotel, dodging only two paparazzi. They didn’t seem to be overly excited to see just us girls, but that was okay with me.

“Where’s your fiancé, Solitaire?” one yelled out. “Did he run away with another woman as usual?”

Gunner had the limo door open so there was no time to react to the questions and comments. Gunner went over to the man and said something before getting in to drive. Unfortunately, all it took was one stupid comment to leave me feeling bad.

What if he is with another woman? They said he’s a serious playboy. I’ve never seen him act like one though.

“Get out of your head, Imogen. He’s with Kellan and August working,” Poppy said, getting her cell out to answer a text that chimed in.

“Well, he is a playboy who got in trouble, and I wanted to go with him, but he told me to stay. They could be right,” I said, looking out the window. “I wouldn’t blame him. He doesn’t even know me.”

“I’ll call them right now on facetime and you’ll see it’s ok,” Poppy said, dialing Kellan on facetime.

Seconds later, Kellan popped up on her screen. They chatted for a few minutes about tomorrow and Valentine’s Day, then I heard her ask him where Asher was.
