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“We’re almost done, so the smell will go away before it wakes the others,” Jade said. “Just keep the door closed and maybe no one else will smell them.”

“Too late,” Victoria said, walking through the door with Asher right on her heels. “I see you’ve formally, or informally, met Marcus.”

“You’re all crazy people, up cooking at this hour.” Asher grabbed two cookies and left the room.

Josh walked in the kitchen just after Asher left. “I saw on my cameras that there was a party down here. I’ve turned on the fireplace in the sitting room.” Josh pulled cups out of a cabinet. “Go on, I’ll be right in with milk and cookies for everyone.”

“I’m only going if you agree to join us.” Jade crossed her arms, looking from Josh to Marcus. “Sawyer, tell them to join us or I’m taking all the cookies to my room.”

“Gentlemen, you heard the lady. Come join us,” I smiled. “Should we serve them, Jade?”

“Yeah, I like that idea. Everyone get out. Please.” Jade pointed to the door. “We’re serving you.”

Victoria grinned and waved for the men to follow her. Josh pointed to a cabinet across the room, then followed reluctantly. Marcus placed the tray he’d just gotten out on the counter and also followed.

“I’ll get the milk if you can get the cookies,” I said. “Should I put ice in the milk to keep it cold?”

“Some people think it waters down the milk, but I like it because I want my milk to stay cold.” Jade placed hot cookies one by one on the platter. “The trick is to drink it fast.”

“I think we have everything. We make a good team.” I finished filling all the glasses. “You ready?”

“Hold on, a few more cookies.” Jade scooped the rest onto the platter. “I was out on the beach for a late-night walk and I saw you and Asher sleeping.”

“You could have grabbed a chair and joined us,” I said, “or woke me up and I would have walked with you.”

“Do you often fall asleep on the beach?” she asked, adjusting the cookies.

“Often enough. It’s calming to hear the waves and feel the breeze.” I shrugged. “I don’t go out there to intentionally fall asleep, it’s usually because I was already out there. I make it to my bed before the sun comes up, most of the time.”

“When I’d be out on a boat, working on a project, I slept many nights out on the deck.” Jade stopped adjusting and looked at me. “I get it. It’s very relaxing. I miss it.”

“Now, sleeping on a boat deck is different than right on the beach, but I know what you mean.” I nodded to follow me. “When we cruised here on the yacht from New York, I slept out on the deck almost every night.”

“Not bad for a Fancy Yacht Boy,” she said, and walked past me.

Chapter 85


We sat around eating cookies like little kids for about thirty minutes before Victoria stood to excuse herself. I figured it was a good time for me to exit as well.

“Josh, make sure you send a message to all the girls that breakfast will be delayed by, let’s say, an hour.” Victoria yawned. “I think we may all need some sleep. Would you agree, Sawyer?”

“I agree, but you don’t have to tell them why. We should keep this cookie-eating our secret.” Sawyer put his feet up on an ottoman as if he were staying longer.

“Marcus, I’ll come down first thing in the morning to help clean up the mess.” I yawned now, too. “That’s my cue.”

“I appreciate the offer, Miss Jade, but you most certainly will not help clean up.” Marcus finished his glass of milk. “It will be gone within the next hour, like magic, really.”

“Magic, you say?” I laughed. “How does one learn this magic? I could use some at the marina. Or is it only kitchen magic?”

I made my way back to my suite doing my best to be quiet so I didn’t wake any of the others. I wiped at the front of my t-shirt to remove any crumbs, just in case I was caught in the hall. I gave a quick rinse of my face and brushed my teeth again, then crawled up into the enormous bed and burrowed under the six inches of comforter.

He’s not as bad as I thought.

I woke the next morning to the smell of coffee. Nellie had left me a note to call her when I was up and she would come help me get ready for the day.

Help me get ready. I need help getting ready? Do rich people do anything themselves?
