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“Apple, why haven’t we been reunited yet?”

“Because you left me in a mall and instead of asking for me back, you’ve been cheating on me with another cell.”

“I’ve been called a lot of things, and I do mean a lot, but never a cheater.”

“Alright, don’t get upset, I take it back. But you do have another cell.”

“Lol. Tell me about your adventure.”

“Oh, I just went down a rabbit hole in one of your apps. I forget the name.”

“Hmm, I don’t remember what apps I have on you.”

“Then I’ll leave that thought with you to figure out.”

“Are you in the mall?”

“The mall has become my new home.”

“So dramatic. I said I’d get you back.”

“I’m almost out of charge. Chat tomorrow.”

Chapter 40


Ipaced back and forth in the office they gave me to hide in. I couldn’t figure out why they would be helping me, and the young unloved girl in me refused to believe this was going to go as well as they seemed to think. My mystery man startled me when his cell phone chimed. We texted back and forth until I started falling asleep mid-text. The next thing I remembered was someone jiggling the door handle, trying to get in.

“Is someone in there?” a male voice asked. “Hello, who’s in there?”

Who could that be? Gunner told me to hide in here. I better not answer, but where is Gunner?

The male voice and door handle jiggling went away. I checked my watch. It was time for me to get to work but I couldn’t go out now. I went into the bathroom and found a travel-size toothpaste and a brand new toothbrush. Whoever left it for me didn’t know that I carried that stuff in my purse, but it was a nice gesture. I pulled my purse open, only to find half of its contents gone.

Where is my stuff? Did I spill my purse last night or did someone go through my purse while I was sleeping? Ugh, that’s an awful thought.

“Paige it’s Gunner, are you decent?” he said at the door. “I’m coming in.”

“Good morning. There was someone in the outer room a few minutes ago. The person was trying to get in here.” I fidgeted with my hair. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Yeah, this is his office, so I’m sure he was real confused,” Gunner chuckled. “You let me worry about him. You ready to get to work?”

“I’m ready. Are you sure about this?” I chewed my lip. “I can just leave and be out of everyone’s way.”

“You’re not going anywhere except to Santa’s workshop and pretend it’s a day like every other.” Gunner nodded for me to follow him. “Not a word to anyone, now.”

To keep my morning as regular as possible, I went to the food court restroom to get cleaned up. I stood inside a stall, killing ten minutes, then stepped out in time to see Karen.

“Dear Lord, what happened to you?” She grabbed me by the arms. “Do you need a doctor?”

“I’m fine, it was an accident with a cell phone.” I rubbed her hand on my arm. “I promise.”

“If you say so. Eat your breakfast now, then take some medicine.” She went back to mopping. “I heard there’s gonna be a charity event here this weekend.”

“Karen, how do you always know all the gossip in this mall?” I washed my hands. “What kind of charity event?”

“Something to do with underprivileged kids and Christmas.” Karen stopped mopping. “Probably a bunch of rich folks paying a bunch of money to eat and drink.”
