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“That’s pretty interesting. Do they have movie stars?” I walked over to the wax woman. “Is this a famous person?”

“Yes, that is Marilyn Monroe, a movie star from, I think, the Fifties.” Cota pointed to the floor. “This is a scene people know of her. She walked across a street thing and air blew up her dress.”

“It’s a beautiful dress. She looks like she was pretty.” I looped around her. “And you say people like to come here and get, like, pictures with these figures?”

“Exactly. Come on, let’s go see the rest.”

“Where are the people who work here?” I grinned. “Are they wax as well?”

“That’s a funny one but, no, they’re actually closed.” Cota took my hand. “I reserved this tonight just for us.”

“You went to a lot of trouble. Thank you, I can’t wait to see all of them.” I followed him. “Do they have Brad Pitt?”

“I’m sure they do. Look, it’s Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.” Cota handed me his cellphone. “Take my picture.”

We walked the first part of the museum. There were so many famous people. We were having fun taking pictures with them. I felt like I had met so many people. There were American presidents, movie stars, singers, and athletes. I recognized a few like Miley Cyrus, The Rock, and Emma Thompson. We were allowed to see movies once a month on the compound and sometimes I would see parts of movies before. Lights out when we traveled. Cota was excited when we came across one called Tom Hanks. He had me take several pictures of him with Tom, then insisted I needed a few too.

“Would you like to sit and have a drink?” Cota stood in front of me. “I arranged dessert.”

“You are so bad. You have made me love dessert. Is it chocolate?” I held up my crossed fingers. “Cake is good too. I wouldn’t complain if there is cake.”

Cota made me cover my eyes, then he walked me across a floor. When he let me open them, in front of me there was a table, basically a buffet of chocolate. Without a second of hesitation, I quickly began pulling off my fancy white gloves and started tasting at one end of the table.

“I guess you like it?” He laughed. “I was hoping you’d save me some, but maybe I was wrong.”

“If you must!” I frowned. “You can have some. Besides, I can’t eat all of this. At least not all at once.”

“We can make a plate for the guys,” Cota suggested, popping a chocolate in his mouth. “Charlie might cry if we don’t bring him some. We’ll still have a lot left, though.”

“Oh, we can give the rest to the homeless people,” I clapped. “I bet they never get a yummy dessert like this.”

“I love that you’re enjoying giving,” Cota smiled. “You’re making me want to give more, too.”

“Well, I’m very happy that you enjoy it too.” I touched his hand then pulled it back. “Do you know any of these people for real?”

“You know, at the Halloween Bash you will probably meet many of these people.” He gestured around the museum. “Aunt Victoria has an impressive guest list and, yes, I do know some of them.”

“I want a picture with everyone here. Can we do that?” I asked. “After more chocolate, though.”

We spent the next thirty minutes stuffing our faces like kids on Halloween night. He had gotten more chocolate than two people could possibly eat. I did love the chocolate fudge cake a little too much.

“Would you like some milk with your chocolate cake?” He poured cold milk into two wine glasses. “We have to drink it out of these since we’re so dressed up.”

We had a good laugh and chugged our milk, then I was ready to finish taking pictures. Cota pretended to be a professional photographer. He went so far as to lay on the floor to get a different angle, which only made me laugh more. On our walk out to the car he took my hand in his, and I let him.

Be careful. This is temporary; he has no desire to be a young married man.

“Thank you for tonight. I had such a fun time.” I wrinkled my nose. “I know I have said that several times, but I can’t stop.”

“What was your favorite?” He turned and smiled at me.

“What was your favorite?” I asked back without answering.

“I asked first.”

“Fair enough, you did. I loved all of it, but going in the helicopter was amazing.” I waved to the guys waiting by the car for us. “I never ever thought I would ever do something like that.”

“Why don’t we do it again,” he held the door for me, “like right now?”
