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“Kristopher…” Her thighs tremble as she says my name. She may not be able to see my smile, but I’m sure she feels it against her delicate flesh. I know there are some men that feel going down on their woman is a chore, but I can do this for hours and enjoy the pains of the lockjaw aftermath. I love the feel of her soft smooth heated flesh as my rough tongue drags across it and if her contractions are an indication, so does she.

Coming up her length, leaving little nibbles and kisses, I follow her moans to her mouth until I’m right over the top of her. “Did I mention I love your hair? Very Tinky.” I smirk, pressing my throbbing cock into her.

She laughs, pressing off the headboard. I swear she’ll never admit it, but I’m pretty sure she’s learned some of her moves from amateur porn sites. My brain is squarely focused on her tonight. On the curves of her perfect little body, on the idea that soon she’s going to grow thick and heavy with a child. My child, our child. I never thought I would have children willingly, at least. I always imagined I’d get that call about some girl I didn’t remember, and for once, it would prove to be mine. To think that I have a part in bringing a chi

Laying to the side, my head lays between her breasts, and I can feel her hummingbird heart.

“I love you.” My hand reaches up, fingers running up the scar that is a badge of the life she’s been given. Her hand covers mine as she pants and giggles. The arm I have under her pulls her closer. Rolling to our sides, I run my hand down to her belly. “We haven’t talked about this, and I know there will be risks. I want to do this, but where is your head?”

“I’m scared, but I don’t not want it. We need to talk to the doctors. I don’t want to go through this to lose it.”

The hammering of her heart hasn’t stopped. She’s afraid. She won’t say so, but given her condition, there is no judgment or blame in my mind for her feelings. I nod, nuzzling into her.

“Havin’ my baby-” I sing the Paul Anka song softly, with a glee in my voice I don’t think I’ve ever felt before. She snuggles into me as I run my fingers through her shortened hair and scratch her scalp at the undercut. She really has become my perfect little fairy and is making all of my wishes come true.


“Kris. that’s not how a prenup works.”

“That is exactly how my prenup is going to work. Do you hear me?” While my Tink is sleeping soundly, I have made my needed phone calls. Of course, the moment I tell Erica that we’re engaged, she starts in with the legalese. No congrats, just-Kris We need to write a prenuptial agreement. I told her sure, in the event that we divorce, she can have half of everything, except Vagrant Soul Records. That will be going to our child upon my death. She doesn’t much like the idea, but since I pay her salary, tough titty.

I know that this is a severely high-risk pregnancy and if something happens and a choice must be made between Nicolette and the life of the child inside of her, I swear to God, I choose her. Another child can always be tried for, and Lord knows there are plenty of kids in this country that need parents, but if I lose her, that’s it. Game over. It’s something we will need to talk about, and I do hope that in this, we will find common ground.


“No, that’s it. Those are my wishes, and while you’re drawing that up, you can amend my will. I’ll send the particulars in writing. We are going to be unavailable for a bit, but as soon as we dock, I’ll let you know, and you can meet us at the studio so we can sign.” As I’m talking, I’m hitting complete purchase. I’ve just bought Nicolette a new top-of-the-line Lenovo laptop and desktop. She wants to write, and I’m sick of picking up wadded balls of paper off the floor because her laptop keeps freezing, so there you go. Then I’m going to make sure she has whatever she needs.

I hear movement and let Erica go. I made us waffles and a nice fruit and yogurt parfait to split. I hope she’s hungry.

Arms wrap around my waist. “You should have woken me.”

I sigh. “God, I need a cigarette.”

“Then go get one. You can smoke, just not beside me. I’m sure you're stressing about everything.”

I let out a wry laugh. “Haven’t you noticed? I haven’t smoked a single cigarette since you kissed me?”

“I know, but I wouldn’t fault you for needing something right now.”

I turn in her arms so that I can face her. “Tink, all I need right now is this.” I hold her closer, “This, and maybe a waffle.”
