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There's so much I want to say, so many words that I could share that will tell you the depth of my love for you. Tonight we set out to start a great adventure. I am so honored that I get to be a part of your world. Before you walked into this house it was dark and bleak. I was a bottle from my last breath. Ready to go. To give up. Then that mouth happened and all I wanted to do was kiss the sass right out of it. Your appearance was like having the lights turned back on. It stokes a fire in me that I thought had long burned out. You make me look forward to the mornings. Cherish the afternoons and beg for the cover of night just so that I can die in your arms. Your heart is my heart. I gave it to you without even knowing all those years ago. You are my person, and I am yours, forever. Take this trinket, it was Claudette's. I thought it was a final gift from her to me, but the truth is she had one more. You.

I love you,



I’ve reread the letter from Kris so many times today. Us girls are being pampered. I can’t believe Kris is going through this much for a flipping video. It may be weird but I put Claudette’s bracelet on my wrist. It made me feel closer to her and him. I think he’ll love it.

I swear I’m getting the princess treatment. I’m sitting in the kitchen, eating a bite. I can’t help but send Kris a message. This is probably the longest we’ve been apart since he kidnapped me.

ME: Is it weird that I already miss you?

PAN: No, but it will make later feel even better. Did you get my note?

ME: I did, I love you too. I have a surprise for you.

PAN: Me too. Go out back, and meet the new additions to the family.

ME: What on earth did you do now Pan?

PAN: Oh just you see

My hair is down since I cut it all off. It’s hanging in waves and I’ve got some of the wildflowers that Kris left for me pinned in it to match my nails. My dress is a strappy v neck mini that hits above my knee. It might have gone a little further if the bump wasn’t in the way but this was the only one out of all the ones we chose that actually fit. I was going to wear a strappy heel to match but opted for bare feet.

Up I go, I thought I had heard movement outside earlier but was under a cucumber melon mask at the time. Stepping out onto the porch in my fuzzy slippers and satin robe for the day I see a new trailer. One built for horses. Kris, damint. I told him no horses, well the adult in me said no, but the little girl in me is doing jumping jacks. I make my way down the stairs and as I get near a head pops out of the window of the trailer. A huge horse head, with buckskin and long dark hair, its eyes are a pale shade of blue. It neighs and the sound is immediately echoed. Then it’s joined by another handsome fellow. An auburn with just as blue eyes. I don’t know where Kris got them or where we are going to keep them but I can’t wait to ride one.

I run my hand over the auburn horse’s muzzle. There’s something so calming about them. I guess that makes them a lot like Kris as he’s absolutely one of the most calming people I know when he’s sober. Not sober, that man had more issues than I do. It wouldn’t matter to me though if he was sober or not. I love him. I jerk my head when I hear a throat clear behind me.

“Jesus Christ, Gill you scared me almost to death.”

“Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” He chuckles.

“Don’t forget nuclear weapons, dad.” Gillian smiles as she steps out of the trailer. She’s been AWOL most of the afternoon, I was beginning to wonder where she had run off to, now I know. Well, sort of.

“You know how to sit side saddle?” Gill asks going to the back of the horse trailer, that’s when I spot my dad. All gussied up. Not like a suit, but like nice jeans, a button down, and a Stetson. This man rarely ever wears a hat.

“Hey, baby.” He smiles.

I look between the three of them and start sweating. “Why am I getting the feeling I’ve been played?”

“Well, somber and quiet is better than kicking and screaming.” Gillian holds out her hand to reveal two small boxes. “Some traditions are cool.”

“I’m going to kill him. He couldn’t even have the balls to tell me himself? Really?”

“Didn’t you get his note?” Dad asks.

“It said nothing about me marrying him for real!” Dad's eyes sail to my wrist where Claudette’s bracelet rests.

“Something old.” Gillian smiles, opening the first box, since I hesitated. “Something new and blue.” Inside is a set of periwinkle blue garter belts. “One for you to keep and one to throw at the after party.” She smirks as Gill takes the other box.

“This is your borrowed, my mother’s.” Opening the box he reveals a string of pearls, and at their end is a guitar pick, that has back to back K’s. “The pick was Kris’, from his first tour, his gift to you, now that he got it back from me. For your bracelet.” He nods toward my Pandora bangle.
