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Chapter Ten


I’m having fun removing the weasel’s toenails with pliers when Ace returns and I give him a grin. He winces slightly before returning it, and I wonder if maybe I look a little too maniacal right now. Tough shit. I’m having fun.

“...maybe enough?”

I missed the start of whatever Ace was suggesting but I scowl when I catch the ending. It’ll never be enough.

“The fucker’s still breathing isn’t he?”


I glance down at the body on the bed and see that Ace is right. He’s virtually a corpse. Shit. When did he stop screaming? I was lost in the moment, the music. But...I don’t want to stop. I don’t want this guy’s last memory of me to be something as simple as losing a fingernail. That’s shit. I need this worm pissing his pants in fear every time the wind blows.

“Wake him up again,” I demand roughly.


“I’m done, okay? I just want to talk to him before we leave.” I sigh. I don’t want that at all, but I made a promise and I’ll damn well keep it.

“No ice.”

“Get an extinguisher. Even this fucking shit hole will have one somewhere.”

I reach over and wrench the sleeping beauty’s mouth open, yanking his front two teeth out with my pliers and carelessly dropping them down his throat. That’s one way to dispose of evidence, right?

Ace huffs but disappears to do as I asked while I look the bastard over. Every inch of his skin is marred in some way or other, the damage irreparable. Even if his family still had their enormous fortune, no amount of plastic surgery would ever put him back together again.

I take out my phone and snap a quick picture of him, wondering if I’ll ever show it to Raven. It automatically uploads to a secure server and deletes itself from my phone. Nothing I trust more in the world than Rebel’s software, it’s never failed me before.

Ace returns and I hold out my hand for the extinguisher, which he hands over. Albeit reluctantly. I could bash the cunt’s skull in so easily with it, but what would be the point if he’s not awake to see his final moments? Instead, I keep my word and spray the shit out of him, even though I want nothing more than to ram the nozzle down his throat. Shame it’s just a water extinguisher really. You can have a lot of fun with the chemical based ones.

He coughs, splutters and groans as he comes round. I get right in his face, and his eyes bulge in absolute terror. A moment later the acrid stench of piss fills the room. I smirk.

“If you think I'm scary, you have no idea what hell will rain down on you if you even think about looking at a woman ever again.” My tone is low and menacing. “I will be watching you, always. My eyes will never leave you. Every time the lights are out…When a shadow moves…Know it could be me...Coming back to claim what is rightfully mine…Your death.”

I step away from the scum but I can’t resist glancing back at him. I spit in his face.

“Zlocin iz strasti!” Ace snaps in warning. I spin around to glare at him. “Untie?”

“You can. I don’t give a fuck,” I snap back. I don’t know what he said but I don’t like his tone. I scowl at him. “What the fuck did you say?”

“Passion crime.”

I throw my equipment into my bag, keeping my favourite blades out and wiping them down on the bedcovers before pocketing them.

“Where’s your shit?” I ask Ace.

“Bag,” he grunts.

“Leave it here. I have a cleanup crew on standby. They’ll take care of everything and return any gear you want to keep.”


I shrug. I don’t know what he’s saying but his attitude seems better so I brush it off. It is easier this way. I come in, do the job, leave. Someone else cleans up and takes care of the mess for me. It helps me remain untouchable. Obviously Ace was expecting something similar though; he’s already cleaned up. I snort in amusement. Pretty boy.

