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Just then, the carriage came to a halt in front of the main entrance to Langston House. A few lights still glowed in the windows, as lanterns to guide weary travelers home, but the majority were cast in shadow.

Lord Bentley yawned loudly. “What did I miss?”

“A great deal,” Lord Langston said quietly.

Rose remained silent as the driver jumped down from his box, and the door was opened so they could exit. She took Lord Langston’s hand when he offered it and noticed the gentle squeeze he gave, shortly before letting go. A subtle gesture that she might have missed, had she not been hoping for it.

“I will walk around to the servant’s entrance, My Lords,” she announced. “Thank you for today and… My Lord Langston, thank you for saving me again. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to repay you for all you’ve done.”

Lord Langston dipped his head. “I do not need a repayment. You do not owe me anything. I would have…”

Don’t say you would’ve done the same for anyone, I beg of you.She had heard that statement before, and she had not minded it as much then, but if he were to repeat it now… she knew it would sting.

“… I would have done it again if you were in the same situation.”

It was not much, but it was enough to let her know that something had shifted in him. She did not know what, nor did she know what it meant, but she was determined to cling to it if she could.
