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She had selected her moment carefully, knowing that the rest of the staff would be at their own breakfast. However, she had forgotten to include the serving staff, who were bringing up the silver trays of eggs and bacon, sausages and roasted tomatoes, and racks of fresh-toasted bread from the kitchens, alongside the silver coffee pots and fine, ceramic teapots. It seemed an awful lot of work and food for the benefit of two people: Dorian and Lord Bentley.

“Rose?” Mrs. Whittaker appeared out of nowhere, hurrying toward her. “What in heavens’ name are yer doin’, lass? Yer can’t perch yerself on His Lordship’s furniture, as yer please!” She dispensed with her clipped façade of a polished accent and resorted to the one that came naturally to her.

Rose held her ground. “I won’t move until I see him. I’ve got important business to discuss.”

Mrs. Whittaker’s hand shot out to grasp Rose by the wrist. “Up with yer, now! I’ll not have yer embarrassin’ yerself, or His Lordship, or me with this unruly behavior. Get down to the kitchens, and we’ll have a long chat about what’s goin’ on. Don’t think I ain’t heard the whisperings in this house. I hear all, I see all, and until His Lordship tells me otherwise, ye’ll be treated same as everyone else.” She clicked her tongue. “I didn’t expect this of yer, Rose. I thought yer were cleverer than that.”

“I won’t move,” Rose repeated, wresting her hand free of Mrs. Whittaker’s grip.

“Stop causin’ a scene!” Mrs. Whittaker hissed. “I’m not sayin’ I’ll see yer booted out of this house, but if yer don’t shift yerself, right now, I might have to consider it.”

Rose shook her head. “I told you, I’ve got important business to discuss with His Lordship. As for the whispering of the staff, I wouldn’t have expectedyouto listen to such things. It’s not what you think. It’s to do with my safety here.”

“What do yer mean?” Mrs. Whittaker looked exasperated, glancing back over her shoulder to shoot a warning glare at the serving staff who had congregated outside the dining room to observe what was going on. They chattered among themselves, in hushed voices, and Rose noticed some disgusted expressions on the faces of the housemaids and chambermaids who had come to join in with the shameless gawking.

“A threat has been made, and I think it’s vital that His Lordship hears about it, as it’s his estate that has been compromised,” Rose replied. She had not realized, until that moment, how difficult it was to refer to Dorian as “Lord Langston” or “His Lordship,” now that she had grown used to calling him by his given name. However, she knew she had to stand by protocol and propriety, lest she gives away the recent change in their mutual bond.

At least, I hope it’s still mutual…The very second she had understood what was happening last night, and that his lips were upon hers because he wanted them to be, she had realized the true extent of her affection for him. She knew that she wanted to be in his arms only, and be kissed by him only, and feel that physical passion with him only. His bold move had been the catalyst to fixing that surety in her mind. Whether it would ever be possible for them to be together, however… that was something only he could answer.

“Then tell me what the problem is, and I’ll pass the message to His Lordship. I’ll not have melodrama in this house!” Mrs. Whittaker urged. “Ye’re already causin’ yerself untold trouble by actin’ up like this. Just get to the kitchens before yer make it worse.”

Once more, Rose shook her head. “No. I’m grateful for your offer, but this is something I have to talk with His Lordship about personally.”

Mrs. Whittaker lunged to grab Rose again, as a booming voice split through the susurrating whispers of the staff. “What is the meaning of this?” Dorian strode down the stairs toward Rose and Mrs. Whittaker, his brow furrowed, his mismatched eyes darkening with irritation.

Is he annoyed with me?Rose could not tell.

“I was just informing Miss Parker that it is improper for her to sit upon this fine furniture. I believe she was weary and needed a place to pause for a moment,” Mrs. Whittaker replied, her falsely polished accent returning.

Rose held Dorian’s gaze. “I hate to contradict someone as respected as Mrs. Whittaker, but that’s not why I’m here.” She stood and skirted past the housekeeper, walking right up to Dorian, much to the shock of the on-looking staff. She heard their gasps like a gust of wind blowing through the trees outside. She took out the crumpled letter she had received last night. “This was left in the laundry for me to find.” She handed it to him.

He smoothed it out and read the words, his eyebrows raising a quarter of an inch. “Do you know who has sent this to you?”

“I think it’s my father. He’s trying to scare me into going back to London.” She hesitated and lowered her voice so the staff would not overhear. “I saw him hiding in the woods when we left the estate to go to Skelton Bay. I didn’t mention it because I wanted to deal with it myself, but no matter how hard I’ve tried searching, I haven’t been able to discover where he’s hiding. But this letter shows that he’s still watching me and that he’s still here, somewhere.”

Dorian raised his hand slightly, as though he wanted to cup her face, but immediately lowered it, evidently conscious of the audience. “This is not the place to discuss this. Go to my study, and I will meet you there once I have contended with these prying eyes. I told you yesterday, I will not have you suffer rumor and gossip because of me.”

“Of course, My Lord.” She dipped her head. “Um… where might I find your study?”

A ghost of a smile graced his lips. The lips that she had savored. “Go down this hallway.” He pointed to the nearside corridor, on Rose’s right. “It is the fourth door on your left.”

“Thank you, My Lord.” Walking as casually as her wobbly legs would allow, and keeping her chin raised high against the scornful glares of the watching staff, she followed his directions.

Only when she had closed the study door behind her did she allow herself to exhale. No matter what Dorian said to the rest of the staff, they would spread what they had seen like wildfire through the house. And when she emerged from this room again, she would have to face the onslaught. The question was, would she be facing it alone, or with Dorian choosing to stand by her side?

I need you now, more than ever.She sank down into one of the two armchairs by the ashy remnants of the fireplace.I can’t do this without you.More to the point, she did not want to. His kiss had changed everything. She could not go back now. Neither of them could.
