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Ariana waved to Tom at the gate, who let her into the neighborhood. Lia followed in her sporty Audi. It took all of Ari’s self-control not to speed through the residential streets. The homeowners’ association’s fines meant nothing.

Something was definitely wrong with Rita. Whether she was sick or it was something worse was yet to be seen. But her friend needed help. No question. She wouldn’t miss work — the bar and grill was her baby — and she also wouldn’t miss their weekly hangout time.

Sure, the three women often saw each other throughout the rest of the week, but they made their girl time a priority. They all lived on the same street in the quiet gated community, and had become fast friends. The three of them were younger than most of the other wives in the neighborhood, which had helped to bring them close. Their group was tighter than any Ari had ever been in. Lia and Rita were like sisters.

Ariana’s tires peeled as she turned onto their road.

She’d likely get a fine for that. There were more than a few bored housewives who lived for such drama. As if that were really drama when someone’s life was potentially on the line.

Rita’s red Mercedes wasn’t in front of the Walker’s house, and it wouldn’t be in the 4-car garage because Boone kept his prized cars in there. When he wasn’t working sixty-plus hours a week, he was at some car show getting his ego stroked over one of the vehicles.

Ariana got out of the car just as Lia slammed her door shut.

“She isn’t here,” Lia said.

“I’m still going to knock.” Ariana rushed past her friend.

They knocked, rang the bell, and called for Rita.

No response.

Ari’s stomach knotted tighter by the moment.

Lia peeked in a window. “It’s dark inside. Are you ready to break down the door?”

“I think we should talk to Tom.”

“Who?” Lia asked.

“The security guard.”

Lia’s expression remained blank.

“At the gate.”

“Right. He might know a way we can get in that doesn’t involve property damage.”

Ari nodded. “Good idea.”

“You talk to him, since you’re already on a first-name basis. I’m going to look in other windows.”

“Maybe ask around to see if any other neighbors have seen her.”

“Good idea.” Lia ran next door to the McDonalds, who were friendly with everyone and liked to watch the street.

Ari hopped back in her car, and again struggled to keep her speed down. She parked before the gate and hurried over to the window.

“Everything okay?” Tom asked.

“No. Have you seen Rita Walker?”

“Not today.”

“Can you check to see when she last came or left?”

“I could. But I can’t just hand out that information willy-nilly.”
