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Ariana turned off her flashlight to save the battery. “If there is no cabin, I’m going to break into the jail and beat Mitch within an inch of his life.”

Damon shone his light ahead. “Let’s keep looking.”

“We’ve been at this for hours.”

He checked his phone. “Just over ninety minutes.”

“Your point?” she asked.

“There’s still a lot of ground to cover.”

“Lia and Charles are also looking, plus the police have the cabin’s location. Nobody’s called us saying they found anything.”

“That’s why we have to keep looking.”

“I feel like Mitch has us going on a wild goose chase.”

“He was asking for immunity, remember? We need to keep going.”

Ariana turned her flashlight back on and continued forward with Damon, but she couldn’t shake the feeling this was all a big joke. At least to Mitch.

She texted Lia, who confirmed they hadn’t found anything either. Then she put her phone away and called for Rita.

The trees swallowed up her voice. If her friend was hiding nearby, she wouldn’t hear a thing.

If it were legal, she’d force Mitch to give up Rita’s location. He was lying. There was no other option.

Not unless they found the supposed cabin anytime soon.

That wasn’t looking likely.

Hot, angry tears threatened.

What had Rita done to deserve this? What had any of them? She and Damon didn’t deserve to lose everything in a fire.

It was all too much.

And for what? Why did Boone have to go to so much trouble to make other people miserable? When normal people wanted out of a marriage, they got a divorce. They didn’t abduct their wives.

She still couldn’t wrap her mind around Boone and Mitch working together on that — if what Mitch had told the police held any truth.

That was yet to be seen.

Damon stopped.

Ari bumped into him. “Do you see something?”

“Look.” He shone his light into the distance.


“What is it?”

“I think it’s a cabin.”

Her heart climbed up her throat. “Really?”
