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They continued on, and after a few steps, it looked like a wall beyond the trees.

“See it now?” he asked.

“I hope you’re right.”

Ariana could hardly breathe as they neared the little building. Moss grew on the roof and walls. Much of the wood was in various states of rot.

Rita couldn’t be in there, could she? The little shack looked like it would collapse if someone sneezed.

“Stay by me,” Damon said.

“We should split up. Cover more ground.”

“Boone could be anywhere.”

She held up her pepper spray. “I’m covered.”

“Not if he has a gun.” Damon patted his pocket.

She relented, then remembered to text Lia about the tiny cabin.

The little building had no lights, no signs of life.

Ari’s heart ached for Rita, thinking of her in there all of this time. But then her spirits lifted, imagining her release.

It only took about a minute to circle the building.

Damon gestured toward the door.

Ariana looked in a window. A curtain blocked her view.

She joined Damon at the door.

He twisted the knob. “Locked.”

“Want me to pick it?”

“No time.” He backed up and kicked the door.

It fell over, leaving the hinges and a knob attached to the frame. A plume of dust rose above it.

Ari held her pepper spray in position. If anyone was inside, they’d have heard the noise.

Damon inched closer, shining his flashlight around a tiny, dilapidated living room.

Nobody in there.

“Let’s find Rita,” he said.

The structure still looked ready to collapse, but she would risk it for her friend.

Damon went in first. The door cracked and groaned under his weight.

Ariana followed. Dust tickled her nose. She sneezed. Waited for the walls to fall on them. Or someone to appear, guns blazing.

They didn’t.

She sighed in relief, taking in more dust. Covered her mouth and nose. Followed Damon down a hall into a little bathroom with no place to hide. Then to a bedroom the size of a closet.


They continued down the hall and circled back to the living room. The cabin would hardly be livable in its prime. It was dangerous now.

Ariana walked through one more time. Double-checked under the twin-sized bed. Behind doors.

There wasn’t anywhere to hide. No place to lock someone. The walls would fall as easily as the door.

Not that it mattered.

Rita wasn’t there.
