Page 50 of Safeguard

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WHEN WE PULL into the police station, I let out a long breath of relief when I see Melanie physically safe and sound.

“Thank God,” I mumble to myself as I jump out of Gray’s truck.

I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her. I’m not sure I’d survive it. Our eyes lock as I walk toward her, and a sudden expression of relief builds on her face. She practically shoves the police officer standing next to her out of the way when she sees me.

Melanie charges toward me like a wildcat, not slowing down until she crashes into my chest. Oof! Her body slams into me, but I catch her readily. Her arms fly around my waist, holding on as if nothing else exists but us.

“Thank God you’re here.” She begins to tremble in my arms and then the sobbing begins.

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m here now.” I place my palms on her head and rest my forehead against hers.

“Are you okay?” She nods slightly, and I cup her face between my hands. “Melanie, you’re safe now. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I love you, baby.”

We spend the next hour at the police station, so they can question Melanie and file a report. The whole thing is a complete waste of time because nothing has come of their investigation so far. I need to call Jason later and see what other resources we have to catch this guy because things are escalating.

I curl my arm around her waist, holding her tight as we walk over to her car. Melanie seems to have calmed since I first got here, but I’m not sure I have. She hands me the keys, and I open the door for her.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with all this.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

I rush around to the other side and cram my giant body behind the wheel of her tiny matchbox. I reach to close the door, slamming my head on the frame in the process.

“Fuck!” The corner of her mouth quirks up as I attempt to adjust the seat and save my knee caps from being crushed.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“You barely fit.” She snickers.

“That’s what she said.” I deadpan, and she burst into laughter. I clutch her face between my palms and press my lips to hers.

“God, baby, I’m so glad you’re okay.” She threads her fingers through my hair.

“Take me home.”

We get to her place, deciding to order a pizza since were both starving and too tired to cook anything. I canceled with my parents, explaining the situation, assuring them they’ll meet Melanie next week. She’s quiet when we sit down to eat, and I can see her wheels turning.

“How can I live like this, with some crazy person after me? I don’t even want to leave the house.” She starts to pour herself some wine with trembling hands. I snag the bottle from her and pour a little into her glass.

“I’m not leaving your side until we catch this asshole.”

“Chase, we both have jobs and lives. You can’t—”

“Stop. Everything is going to be fine. Let’s talk to Arie about you taking off a little longer.” Her face scrunches up. “An extra week will give us time to narrow down this guy.” She nods. “In the meantime, I need a list of every male friend you have or have ever been on a date with.” Her brows draw together, but she doesn’t argue.

“The list is minimal.” She grins.

“One is too many.” I deadpan. “Now, why didn’t you tell me about the award you’ve been nominated for?” Tears shimmer in her eyes.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not going.”

“You are going, and I will be right by your side.” I get up from my chair and stand behind her.

“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” I wrap my arms around her shoulder and whisper into her ear. “I promise.”

I just hope I can keep it. But I know I’ll do whatever it takes because she’s everything to me.

I settle on the couch and call Jason while Melanie takes a shower. He’s getting a friend of his involved, a private investigator. He has a lot of resources and thinks he might be able to help us.
